Goodbyes to soon

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-  8 months later-
The boys came around a few days later and forgave me for not telling them about the cancer and we are now closer than ever.
Me and Jay (Vj) have been dating for eight months and I couldn't be happier. The boys on the other hand aren't getting on so well with eachother. Casey, Brax and Kyle keep talking Really secretly . Last night Heath warned them to stay away from someone or else we would all be sorry.  Some guy Josh who lives in the Bay seems to be involved aswell. I have begged them to tell me whats going on but they refuse to tell me. As much as this frustrates me, I trust them and i believe they are just keeping me out of it for my own sake.

Today was not a good day. Since I have arrived in the bay, me and Bianca have become so close. Today her, Heath and my beautiful niece Darcy and nephew Harley are leaving for the city. Heath and Bianca went through a bit of a rough patch but in the end they thought it would be best if they moved to the city. I don't know what I'm going to do once they leave. My days are going to be so quiet. 

"Now Darce, remember you are becoming a big girl now and you have to help to look after Heath and Bianca and little Harley ok? Even on days you have little fights just remember you all love each other ok? I know you can do this" "Ok Becky. I'm going to miss you so much Rebecca. Can't you come with us?." Darcy says as she begins to cry which sets me off aswell. "I'll miss you too princess but I promise I'll come to visit really soon and the two of us can have a day out together. Goodbye Darce. I love you" I say as I kiss her on the cheek and then embrace her in a hug.

I say my goodbyes to Bianca , Heath and Baby Harley. As they are driving off I start to cry even more. "It's ok Becks. They aren't gone far. I know its strange now but we will get used to it.We'll see them in no time" "thanks Case. Do you mind if Vj comes over, I'd kinda like him to be here" "yeah course. He can stay over if he wants " "Thanks Casey" "Becky? I just want to say, thank you for being an amazing sister. I love you Becky" " I love you too Case, so much"

Vj arrives later on and we spend the night watching movies and eating pizza . At about half 8 , Brax came in and told us him and the boys were going out for the night. Usually I would want to go with them or they would invite me but I was too tired and was happy to be snuggled up in Vj's arms for the night.

We ended up falling asleep on the sofa. When we woke up the boys were still no where to be seen. "Jay (Vj) have you seen the boys around? I think they've been gone all night." "No I haven't seen them. Maybe Ricky knows where they are. " "Yeah, I think I'll go ask her. You make a start on breakfast, I'll be back in a few minutes"

As I reach Ricky's door , I see Nate walking towards me, looking like he had just seen a ghost. "Hey Nate, is everything ok? You look very pale? " "is Ricky home? " "yeah I was just going in to see her, why? You are scaring me Nate! " I yell. "You might want to sit down" "JUST TELL ME NATE" "It's about Casey..... he... He's dead. I'm so sorry, he was brought into us last night but it was too late, there was nothing we could do" 

I froze trying to let the words register. Ricky and Vj both walk out looking confused. "What's going on out here. Nate?" Ricky asks
"I'm so sorry Ricky, Casey has passed away. He was shot during the night. He wa....." All of a sudden my legs collapse beneath me.I fall to the floor and break into tears, in a heap on the ground. "NO!!!!! NOOOO HE CANT BE DEAD!!!! PLEASE NO!!! I need my brother!!" I sob.

-Ricky's POV-
Oh my god, he... he can't be dead. "Shhh it's going to be ok Becky" I say holding her hand while Vj had her all wrapped up. "NO ITS NOT OK!!!!! CASEY IS DEAD!!!!!! MY BEST FRIEND IS DEAD!!!" I have never seen Becky so broken. "Where's Brax and Kyle?" I ask, trying not to break into tears for Becky's sake.  "They told me that they wanted you to stay here with me and Ricky and that they will come back when they are ready" "I WANT TO SEE MY BROTHERS!!! AND I WANT TO SEE CASEY!!!!!! PLEASE NATE PLEASE!!!! I am begging you" "Ok, I'll bring you to Casey's body. I don't know where Brax is but I think Kyle is on his way home"

Rebecca stands up slowly and tried her best to stop crying She takes a deep breath before she starts talking "Rick, stay here and wait for Kyle, he will need someone to be here for him when he gets back and also call Denny she needs to know now. We'll find Brax soon."  
"I'll come with you Becks" "No Vj. I need to say goodbye to my brother by myself. Nate will look after me. Just go home."

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