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Naviers POV

I woke up feeling a chill in the air. Strange the window's aren't even open and it is summer in the Empire right now...

I wrap a shawl around my body shivering. Perhaps I am running a fever?

I look down at my shawl and notice little ice crystals placed where my hands have been.

Shocked I look at my hands and see no trace of ice.

Perhaps I do have a fever and I am hallucinating...

I take out a scroll and reach for my quill pen when I see ice on the pen.

Am I seeing things? Has the stress made me crazy?

Gathering my witts about me I go to wash my hands. A true test, if there is ice in this room the water will freeze.

The sink has no ice, frusturated I place my hands under the running water and slowly see ice crystals form on my hands.

The ice is coming from me?

I go to put on gloves and get back into bed wrapping the blankets around my body. Perhaps I will feel better after some sleep...


Amis POV

I sit and stare at my reflection as I get ready.

Life is too hard sometimes...

As I brush my hair out, suddenly I feel a strong gust of wind in my face.

Shocked I look around the room. Possibly a ghost?

No silly girl ghosts don't exist.

The wind blows again much stronger and I run and grab a hold of my bed post not to be lifted off the ground.

It's official. I am haunted. No one would believe me after the state of mind I have been in tho.

A strong wind knocks over my chair and Kant rushes into the room.

"My lady, are you okay?!" He asks concerned.

He sees me holding my bed post. I must look like such a crazy person right now...

He starts to come over to me when I turn away.

"Kant I am improper right now. Can you please leave? I will come out in a moment." I say.

Flustered he bows to me, makes one last check on me and exits my room.

Okay ghost.. Can we be friends? I don't need to look insane right now.

As if answering me in return I feel a cool breeze on my cheek. I guess that's a yes...


Rubys POV

I get ready for my day putting on my dress when suddenly a large hole is burnt through the top of the lacy turtle neck.


I look around checking for a sign of anything suspicious but I don't see anyone but me.

I look down at my hand and see a small flame.


I close my palm to smother the flame then open it again and see it disappeared.

Did I drink yesterday? Am I on drugs?

I look at my hand and don't see a burn mark, but my dress clearly has a hole in it..

Well I never did like the lacy stiff turtle necks anyways.

I close my eyes and wish to see a flame. A bright glowing ember appears in my hand and I watch it dance before my eyes.

Well... I guess I can do that now?


Melodys POV

I prepare my clothes one by one for the events of the day as I always do.

I look down and see dust on the floor.

What on earth? How is it so filthy in here?

I go to see if the window is open and notice it's not.

I look and see a trail of dust everywhere I have walked.

Is someone pulling a prank?

I go to the balcony, sit down, and a thick pile of dust clouds around me.


I wave my hand and the dust follows.

Oh no, how on earth do I have magic?!

I quickly go inside and test again if the dust follows my movements. Sure enough it does blowing around me, making me look like a Queen from the South.

This isn't good... I will be proclaimed a witch if anyone finds out, and killed!

I need to get these... new... abilities under control.

I lock the door and go to work hard on mastering my ability to manipulate the dust.

I cover my hands with gloves and start playing with the dust as a 5 year old would a new doll.

I should be terrified, but.. after all I've seen.. it could be fun being a witch...


Sakuras POV

I sigh getting up feeling my head pounding like a drum. The stress has been too much.

I go to set a bath when suddenly a vortex opens up near me and I get pulled towards it.

Oh, so this is how I will die.

I end up getting sucked into it, expecting death to be unpleasant, but my consciousness remains the same.

All I see is darkness. So death is darkness..

I close my eyes when suddenly it stops and I am back in my room with the bath water running.

What on earth?! I'm not dead..?

I hesitanetly get into the bath splashing water on my face when another vortex opens up in the water sucking the water downwards in a spiral.

Fascinating. I place my finger near the vortex and it gets tugged inside but the force isn't as strong as earlier.

I was feeling empty when I woke up, did I trigger this? Can I create... these...vortexes?

I place my hands in the water and will myself to create another vortex.

It's small like a miniature tornado in the palm of my hand.

This is fascinating.

I get out of the bath and get dressed for my day.

Perhaps I can create holes in time? I cannot time travel tho. I can mearly create a void in space.

So now I'm doomed to die and I can create vortexes. Maybe I will die hung as a witch...

As the dark thoughts come a very deep vortex appears in front of me sucking me into the darkness again.

Oh I see. I close my eyes, imagine closing the hole and end up back in my room again.

Well if I have these abilities, can I not save myself? Can I not deny this fate?

The flame of hope burns in me yet again.

Perhaps I always had these abilities, but losing my memories made me forget them. Maybe I am regaining my memories, or maybe... I can use the vortex to create a space where I can go into my own mind and clear away the void of memory loss.

I ponder these things to myself. I need to learn to master my new gift.

I set myself to work closing my eyes, and test the limits of these vortexes and how they can be used.

Perhaps... I can create my own destiny...

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