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Soveishus POV

I wake up seeing Navier reading quietly besides me. I guess it's time I get up and talk to "father".

"Are you feeling better?" She asks me.

"No, but I have things to do. Please don't leave this room." I ask her.

"I won't." She replies.

"I'm going to try to fix this mess ." I say reassuring her.

"I know you will try." She replies.

She's afraid. It must be scary to have your whole life's work gone in the blink of an eye. I swear I'll make this right.

I approach the throne room and bow to the king.

"Hail oh emperor, it is I prince Sovieshu." I say.

"Rise. I have something to discuss with you. Your marriage to Navier Troby has been annuled. You will now marry Amythest of the Dukes house. Navier's house is questionable." he says to me.

Ha... no.

"I understand, but we cannot disgrace Navier like this. Her family name would be ruined." I try to reason with him.

"It will not, I have taken care of that too. She will marry Sir Hugh, the prime merchants son." He explains waving me away.

I clench my fist bowing and leave. I need to come up with a plan... this is insanity.

Suddenly a purple haired woman approaches me.

"Hello your highness. I am your fiancé, Amethyst." She says curtsying to me.

This is a sick joke.

"Pleasure is mine." I bow in return.

She leaves hastily after saying hello, well at least she doesn't seem to like these arrangements.

How on Earth am I gonna tell Navier?

I sigh heading to her room.


Naviers POV

I can't calm my racing heart. How can I lose my position so easily?

I hear Sovieshu return and I go to greet him.

I stay silent watching him. It doesn't look like the talk went well.

"Father wants me to marry some other duchess, and he set you up with the merchants son". He says angrily.

A merchants son... and a new engagement? This king is peculiar.

"Is this a final decision?" I ask.

"Yes it is. I can't stay here with you seeing as we aren't married anymore." He says about to leave.

I reach for his hand then quickly retract my hand. He notices and looks at me.

"It's just so sudden..." I say my mind reeling.

"Tell me about it. I don't want this. I am trying to come up with a plan to change this." He says.

"I know you are." I say quietly.

He leaves angry.

Who is this merchant's son? Will he be kind to me? I have known Sovieshu since my youth... it's nerve wrecking being setup with another man.


Hughs POV

This world is mad. I was just informed Ami is no longer my fiancé, but someone called duchess Navier? I am tired of following all the king's whims and wishes. I slam my hand angrily on my desk.

The irony is they gave me her room information also. It's like they want me to ruin her name.

I send a messenger to deliver a message to Navier instead. If I have to abide by the king's wishes I will do this my way.

I prepare and make my way to the palace to meet my new fiancé. It's ashame, Ami was a wonderful fiancé as she never cared to be with me...


Naviers POV

I hear a messenger at my door and see Sir Hugh has sent me a message. Well, I must not delay. I can't give them any reason to kick me out or all I have worked for will be in vain.

I adorn myself with my best jewels, and a beautiful elegant orange dress with golden lacy patterns and head out to meet him.

Upon descending the stairs I see a green haired man standing against a pillar with his eyes closed.

Well he certainly has a peculiar look.

"Hello Sir Hugh, it's a pleasure." I say curtsying.

"The pleasure is mine Lady Navier." He says bowing to me.

"I apologize if I was a bit tardy. These have been an eventful last few days." I say.

"Indeed they have been." He says back.

"Is there anything I can do to assist you with anything Sir Hugh?" I ask. Please say yes.

"No need my lady. I wanted to reassure you that I will be a fine suitor." He says bowing.

Well he certainly has manners.

"How kind of you. I also will be the best suitor for you." I say smiling.

"Please enjoy your stay my lady. I will leave you to rest now." He says waving goodbye.

I wave back, curious he did not try to kiss my hand, maybe it's different when you aren't a prince.

I turn to return to my room when I see a purple haired woman approach me.

"Hello, I am so sorry I am now engaged to your...well in all sense of the words your husband. I understand if you hate me." She says kindly.

Oh wow, this must be Sovieshu's fiancé.

"No I do not hate you. We are victims of another's will. Please be a good and faithful wife. He is a very stressed man, but he means well." I say back.

"In truth, I do not want this at all. I am sure he is a good man, but...will he take a mistress?" She asks me suddenly.

"I doubt that highly as his father took many mistresses.. and his mother always was hurt by it." I say kindly.

"How unfortunate. I do not want to be in a loveless marriage." She says with tears in her eyes. Ah, she is not suited to be a queen but it looks like she has no choice. I pity this woman.

"Do you believe in love?" I ask.

"Oh yes, with all of my heart." She says kindly.

"Then I am sorry for you. His majesty and my arrangement was never cemented in a silly thing like love." I say back.

"Seems like no marriages these days have love." She says sadly.

"Oh I am sorry I have kept you too long. Thank you for not hating me." She says smiling.

"Please take care." I say smiling politely and returing to my room.

Well she is a lovely person. She will make a fine bride to Sovieshu. I close my eyes to sleep feeling a mild pain in my heart. I hope we will remain good friends...

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