Chapter 15: Place in Things

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"Sister or not, it's time you gave us a few good reasons." Petra said once Clara calmed down. The four of them were standing in a circle, three facing Harriett. The short redhead shifted, not looking guilty at all. Like a cat trying to come up with a reason the family should let it stay (but let's be honest, it never needed a reason before).

"I know," Harriett sighed, "Why should you continue to tolerate me? Should you kick me to the street, where I'll have to live by the skin of my teeth and thieving fingers? Cut my hair, battle for my place in the underground while holding to what shreds of humanity I can. Stand on the bloody corpses of those who sought to de-"

"Woah there," Jasson said, "No reason to get so- um...passionate about it."

Harriett was flushed, the glint in her eye dimming as she stopped talking. Jasson stared at Harriett, thinking. What was up with this girl? Following them home was one thing, but something in her attitude seemed...masochistic? Was that it? Was Harriett a pain freak? That didn't seem right.

"You can try to convince us," Clara said, concern on her face, "It's okay. It's not that hard here."

What kind of a freak are you Harriett? Jasson thought. I've seen tons of different freaks on TikTik. Heck, being a freak is the norm these days. But I can't quite put a finger on it...

Harriett's face fell and she said, "Well, if it's not that hard then-"

"What are you talking about?!" Jasson said by instinct, "This place is a grueling challenge of emotional, mental, and physical fortitude. I have to deal with Petra's bullying every day! We sleep under a tarp! I had to go on a dangerous quest despite me being far to weak for it. I almost died during that! And you say it's 'not hard'. Well it's a sure of a lot harder for me than you. Does Pe-"

"You have to let me stay!" Harriett sat up, "I- um...I have nowhere else to go. I'll do anything! Please send me woefully unprepared on dangerous quests! It will be cruel to demand so much just for a spot beneath a tarp of poverty, but I will endure! And- and I don't expect you to be nice to me! I can take the sadistic abuse, mental and physical! Just let me stay!"

As I suspected, Jasson thought. Not a pain freak, or a fear freak. It's a lot more clear if I genderswap her mentally.

"I mean," Petra inched away, "That's not...I wasn't going to ask for that much. Just monthly rent-"

"NO!" Harriet stood, "I must make my own way in the world, and your kindness has been too great. I shall slave away at five- no! Ten great tasks before I will feel that my honor is met! I insist that you let me pay you back as any woman of valor should. With blood, sweat, and tears of agony!"

Ah, Jasson thought, there you are Harriett. An adventure freak. Drooling at the thought of a challenge, a fight to win, and being able to say 'I did this!' like an adrenaline junkie climbing Mount Everest. (Sorry. Mount Co-Quo...Qomolan'gma. Not as catchy, but the TikTiker said that the native name was best.)

"I...sure. You can join us." Petra said, shifting, "Just...erm...we have rules."

"Of course," Harriet said, "I will accept and follow them, even if they are gravely unjust! Ready the hazing!"

"No," Petra said, taking a step back, "They're not- look just leave the toilet seat down and-"

"NO!" Harriett prostrated herself on the floor in a deep bow, "Don't take it easy on me! I can take it! I can do anything!"

Petra looked to Jasson, speechless and out of her depth. Jasson looked between the twins and realized that they were both looking at him. When did they figure out that Jasson understood Harriett? Jasson motioned to himself and Petra nodded with a bit of desperation in her eyes.

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