Chapter 18: A Long Way Down --- Vertical Horizons Arc

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There are many ways to travel in the multiverse. From a spaceship that is 'everywhere all at once' to flying au naturale, save for a bit of spandex. But currently, on the fantastical earth Jasson was occupying, one especially odd method was being used. Soaring above jagged mountain peaks, an unusual party flew on what was most assuredly not a magic carpet.

"I didn't know that it could get this big," Jasson shouted over the whipping winds.

"It's the extra leaves," Clara said beside him, "We don't use them most of the time, but they really add up, don't they? Able to accommodate a shocking number of people."

"I have to say," Harriett said, "This is an amazing way to get around! Much better than the cushy flying coaches. I love how hard it is to hold on, and how one mistake can send me spiraling to my doom with no hope of rescue. "

"That's why you've got a rope tying you to the leg," Clara said, "I fell off once and Petra banged me up against a few mountains before she noticed. Might have been on purpose."

"It was not!" Petra said, and their platform lurched nauseatingly.

"Stop talking," Petra licked her lips, "You're making it hard to drive."

Everyone froze, holding their breath as Petra got the rocking table under control. Jasson braced himself against what little he could but felt like he was on a roller coaster without the safety bars. He held the leg tightly, digging his fingers into the wood as he spread his feet for balance.

After Jasson stopped shaking he said, "I did wonder why you had a table and no chairs. Nice hardwood too."

"Yup," Clara said, "We flew into Stalt on it. Very nice."

They flew in on it, Jasson thought. So this was their transportation more than for eating on. It's massive and intricately made, with even the legs having elegant designs of plants and stuff carved into it. But...the table's not new. It's gouged and scorched and there's a hole in one of the leaves. What...

"So this table is from your home?" Jasson said, "The home that you left to come here?"

Clara stopped and looked to Petra, then said "Yes, but you need to ask questions later. You wouldn't want Petra to crash the table, would you?"

Jasson nodded and resumed holding desperately to a table leg, saying "Absolutely not."

Unaided, Petra was only able to fly herself and maybe one other person over long distances, but the larger surface area of the table more than made up for the weight. It made sense to Jasson, although Petra couldn't quite believe that he could understand something this complex. The physics were familiar from school, and they'd even had a fun experiment making little hovercrafts using a balloon. that Jasson thought about it though, it didn't make quite as much sense. That was for hovering, not flying through the sky. Wasn't that a...what was it called? The shape that lets wings on planes work? A foil? Airfoil. They needed wings, right?

The table shifted, lurching in the air as Jasson squeaked, hoping that his skepticism wouldn't cause everything to stop working. There was a reason this worked, right? How did Petra fly without wings? Was the air pushing up, like in those sky-diving wind tunnels?

"Petra," Clara said, "I don't think it's us talking that's making you swerve. You're getting tired, aren't you?"

Petra said, "I'm fine!"

Jasson swiveled, eyes bulging at the thought of a drowsy flyer. Yeah, if Petra swerved they wouldn't hit anyone. But a slight twist...well Jasson didn't trust the ropes to hold them in. At least they didn't have any baggage thanks to Petra and Clara's Lockers.

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