Chapter 7: Cooked --- End of A New Home Arc

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Jasson flew backward, crashing against a low wall as pain burst across him like fireworks. Agony seared across his back. Cold flew up his spine. Numb contemplation bled into his mind. The world slowed, a cup filling with dying thoughts.

"Warning," a robotic voice said, "Death in 17...16...15..."

No! Jasson thought as the voice counted down. Oh gods. Why? It's my second day! I can't die here! I know there's a next life but I don't want to go yet! I haven't done anything!

If Jasson had been able to breathe he would have been hyperventilating like a trapped mouse. Instead, he lay blind and deaf as his body degraded. He could imagine how they'd find him; a hapless corpse of broken bones and flayed skin. The last impression he'd leave in life, just like in his previous one. Helpless. Useless. Dead.

I'm dying, Jasson thought as the counter reached twelve, Again. I wasted my second chance. Is it my fate to achieve nothing in life? Not a single dream fulfilled?

Suddenly the world spun and sparkled scarlet as Jasson's vision came back into existence. Red light poured over him as he heard a voice scream through his ringing ears.

"DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!" the voice said, "CLARA! Watch my back!"

Why? Jasson thought. I'll just end up wasting everything.

"I ...see...anyth...," another voice said. Clara's. Her voice flickered, too dim for Jasson to make out more than an occasional word.

The cold in Jasson's chest finally registered and he realized that his heart wasn't beating. The counter ticked down to ten seconds of life left. 10 seconds remaining. A final countdown.


"Come on!" Petra said as some feeling ebbed back into Jasson, "Fight! It doesn't work if you don't fight! You have a lot to live for, you just haven't found it yet. Don't give up before you do!"

I want to believe that, Jasson thought. It is nice for someone else to believe...maybe I could's too cold...thanks though...


Jasson feebly made out Petra's face above him. She really was pretty, with a tiny scar curving across her lip. He reached out, dreamlike as she swayed in and out of focus like a bad camera. Jasson touched her face, then let his arm fall back. Petra caught his hand and glared at Jasson, rage in her eyes.


"The gods preserve us," Petra uttered like an oath, "You better not make me regret this."

Petra moved down, placing both hands on his chest. She paused and took a breath.


"LIVE!" Petra screamed, and light exploded. It roiled across and into him, filling Jasson with the hot fire of a beating heart.


Jasson grasped her healing hand with a heart of zeal, pulling himself like a drowning man claws onto the shore.

Jasson lurched, gasping desperately as the world fell into place. Details flew together from the reality he'd almost left behind. The rubble dug into his back as dry grass itched at his skin, not-so-friendly reminders that he was alive. Clara perched on a nearby wall, holding a giant sword at the ready, graceful in a nightgown with a large stitch along one side. Petra was staring at Jasson, moonlight glinting off scarlet dust sifting through her fingers. There were tears in her eyes and, as Jasson met her gaze, an understanding passed between them.

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