About Song Of Winds

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I've been writing poetry since I was a teenager. Often I'll put a poem into one of my stories. This is a place for me to share it with you, one poem at a time. Most of these will come from my stories.

Any  artwork that accompanies a poem is created by me. I use VUE 2016 for landscapes, Pexels.com for public domain pictures, and I may use photographs taken by me. I'll note the source on the poem.

Thanks for the stars! I'll try to update this at least on Tu, Th and Sat. I'm writing new ones on the fly and publishing immediately. When I have 150, I'll make this one the first volume and start another.

If I mention that a poem comes from an "unpublished story", I have around 650 of these waiting for editing or rewrites. Everything here is written by me, Dannis Cole. I am also writing new poems, and these just have the date I wrote them at the bottom.

I'm grateful to all of you who read my poems. Here's a copy of my tweet:

Twitter Jun 25, 2024 Dannis Cole @DannisWrites · Jun 25My #poetry collection, Song Of Winds, on #wattpad made number 26 on the Poetry Hot List! Thanks, #Readers!https://wattpad.com/stories/poetry/hot

This book was #168 in poetry out of 337K two days ago. I am speechless! Need to write more poems!

So, I'm writing more poetry now! All thanks to you! 

About The Cover

I did one, but really wanted something more fantastical. It's shown above. I looked at a few dozen more pictures on pexels.com, but nothing really pleased me. So, I went to CoPilot and used DALL-E 3 with a prompt something like Girl night sea wind. I changed it a bit, but as I was adding this book, we got a little excitement. Pow! Suddenly, after the loud noise, we sat in darkness. Our power and that of two neighbors' homes, went out! My prompt was not in CoPilot because I hit the DALL-E 3 button. My last prompt was not on the DALL-E 3 page.

I only use AI occasionally, and usually, not for covers, but this was the effect I wanted. I do use ProWritingAid as I post chapters, but I don't like its suggestions much, so I mainly just use it for spellchecking. It has a field day with my science fiction vocabulary and proper names, including titles! My main problem that it finds is commas LOL.

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