I Will Bring You Home

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Their song sounded kind of like one I liked called "I will bring you home", so I sang loud. Tried to make it pretty, for my friend.

I sat by your bed and wished for old times
When we both were young and when we both had time But too soon, all too soon, I watched you grow old Old from the wounds of your life

I sat by your side and listened for old signs When we both were young and when we ran the tracks But too soon, all too soon, I ran faster, you slowed Slowed from the runner you were

We were not quitters, not you nor not I We were the kind to get up, to keep on We were the kids who refused to grow up Until you found the race was too long Too long Until your glad race was too long

I came to your bed and wished you could wake Lost in your dreams and lost in your fate But I did not come to say bye No, I did not come to say goodbye I came to take you home

I'll argue with the bed I'll argue with the judges For I never left off running by you I came to take you home I'll plead the case forever I'll sing until you hear me I'll hold you till you hold me back 'Cause I came to take you home.

Too long, too long I've been running alone too long And I'll hold you till you hold me back I'm here to take you home. So, take my hand, wake up Take my hand, look up I'll hold you till you hold me back So I will bring you home. --- Friday The 13th, an unpublished story

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