The Garage

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I stare out the window, noticing everything we drive past. After an hours drive we went to a garage to get something to eat. I was starving. We sat at table 9 in a restaurant named "Brunchies".

Across my table, I saw a cute guy. He and his family were sitting at table 3, but across all those people all I could see was him. He had dark blue eyes with hazel brown hair, and the most perfect jaw line. He caught me staring at him, I could feel my cheeks getting warm so I look away. I felt so stupid, but when I quickly turned my head to see if he was still there and I caught him staring at me with a cute grin. My mother interrupted this moment to ask me what I would like to drink, I replied hot chocolate. I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and my face was blood read. I took out my phone, looking through the pictures with me, Janice and Jaide. I walk out the bathroom doing so and bumped into the cute guy with my phone falling on the floor. "I'm so sorry! I'm just clumsy, and-" I was interrupted as he replies ,"Don't worry about it. My name's Josh, what's yours?" I kneel down to get my phone, but before I could get up Josh held his hand out to help me up. "Amy, Amy James." "Nice to meet you Amy, I came back from a Holiday Club in Donzing Town , what are you doing here?" Josh said. "I moved from Donzing Town and I'm heading to Flotania. My dad got a better job offer so we all have to move. He told me that we're moving into a big house and it's right by the beach." Josh looks at me in surprise and replies ,"I live in Flotania! What school are you going to?" I look at him in a weird way as he smiles ,"My dad didn't say." I felt my phone vibrate, I took it out and I saw it was a text from my sister saying 'How long do you take in a bathroom?!?'. "I have to go back now, my sisters calling me." I told Josh. "Oaw, umm can I give you my number?" In my head I was screaming with joy, but I said to him in a chilled voice ,"Sure, why not."

"What took you so long, you're hot chocolate is getting cold." Said my sister Avery. "I realized the only time you would talk to me in person is if you're not on you're phone." My mom gave me the death stare, I just smiled back. "Who was that boy you were talking to?" My sister asks. "Nobody, I just bumped into him as I walked out of the bathroom." I replied looking at Avery. "What did you two talk about?" she asks giving me that evil grin. "He just said he lives in Flotania." My mom then asks, "Did he give you his number?" I had no idea if my mom was going to be happy or angry if I said yes. It was one of those moments, so the safest answer was ,"No, not without your permission mom." "Shes lying." said Avery. "It's a pity, he's not ugly." I agreed in my head, but I turned to my dad and said ,"Dad tell mom and Avery to leave me alone!" My dad got the fright of his life(he was to concentrated on that news paper he was reading) ,"Girls, leave me out of this!"

"Watch out Amy, he's staring at you." said Avery. I grabbed my sister and took her to the play room. "Please don't talk like that in front of mom and dad!" I yelled. "Mom was on her phone, dad was reading the news paper and I whispered that to you! You know I wouldn't do that to you." "I know, I just wasn't sure. I'm so confused, should I stare back at the guy?" "Yea, but let me tell you how. Twirl your hair and bite your lip, then give him a wink." I look at Avery and reply, "This is stupid. I should have asked mom for help." "Are you crazy, trust me it will work. He should blush in return." We walked back to our table. I twirled my hair, bit my lip and gave him a wink. He did blush! My only problem was that there was a guy in front of table 3, he had huge glasses and a lot of pimples. He blushed to! I put my head on the table and gave up. Avery couldn't stop laughing.

When we all finished our food it was time to leave, I waved bye to Josh, as I looked at that nerd he gave me a wink, I felt like throwing up. Now it was two more hours of a drive, woo hoo .

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