Oaw No...

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This is bothering me. How could he do this to me. How could he hurt me. I feel like I've been stabbed. Even if I didn't like him, friends don't do this.
I don't care that he was on a date with her, but it was the fact that he hated her. He's so two faced.
I can't sleep.
It's 12.a.m.
Doesn't he take my feelings into consideration? He just left me crying on the floor.

It's 3a.m.

07.00 a.m.

I'm walking up my street going to school.

As I walk through the gate I can hear people mocking me and staring at me as if they were wild dogs and I was their prey.
I give up. I don't care any more.
I see Jack.
Should I tell him how I feel? Will it solve anything?

As I was walking to my locker, Amanda had the decency to walk pass me and bump me. Causing my books to fall.
I looked behind me and saw Jack laughing. Then gave Amanda a hug. What?

I put my books in my locker and I could feel a tear running down one cheek.
I slammed the locker door hard, as I turned around.
Behind me, was the vice principle. Miss.Van Derfooj.

"Come with me. To my office. Now."

I followed her. Did I do something wrong?

As we walked in, the office smelled like old socks. There was this long dark wooden desk with a laptop and a minion toy(looked like those ones from McDonald's)

The vice principle sat behind her desk on a charcoal black leather chair. I sat on one of the two navy blue chairs.

"You're in big trouble." She said.
"Sorry, not to disrespect or anything, but for what?"
Before she could reply I heard the door open.
It was Jack.
"Take a seat." She told him.
"Now, let me shoe you two."
She slid her laptop to face Jack and I. Oaw no... It was that video Amanda posted.
"Explain. To me, this is a disgrace to the school! Look at you two! On top of that you're wearing SCHOOL UNIFORM! You two are in deep trouble."
She replied in a serious tone.
"M..Ma...Mam.." I said unsure but was cut off by Jack.
"This was last week. Amy's foot had an injury and I took her home on my back. When I picked her up someone took a video and made it into something completely the opposite of what was happening."
"Is that so? Now who took the video?" Miss.Van DerDerfooj asked.
"Not sure. Wasn't paying attention to my surroundings."
Jack replied.
Then the vice principle stared at me. "Amy.... I know you know who took this video. Tell me." She asked with an evil tone.
Jack looked at me as if to say Shut up. Don't say one word. Pretend you don't know.

What the hell do I do now? I hate Amanda. I want her to also get punished!

I looked at my fidgeting hands and didn't say a word.

"Listen. You two are spending this Friday for a four hour detention. On top of that, this Saturday you will come to the school and clean it up, we'll provide your with black dustbin bags. Either you tell me and your only punishment will be the Friday detention. If not,you two will do the detention and the community service on Saturday morning."

Oaw no.... But if I say it's Amanda then she will be there with us. I need time to talk to Jack.

I said. Jack looked at me with now a disappointed look.
"Yes?..." she said smiling with that same evil tone.
"I have no cooking clue who took that video."
I looked at Jack, and he winked back at me.
"See you two 7a.m. sharp. Leave my office. Now."
She gave us both letters for our parents to sign. Then we left.

The classes already began so the hall ways were empty.
"Thanx." Jack whispered.
"Jack. I'd do anything for a friend. I'd never back stab them either." I replied, and left before he could say anything back.

Friday , after school

I've been avoiding Jack. He hasn't even bothered to come up to me like how I ran after him.

My parents weren't too pleased about the detention and community service. I had to listen to a 2 hour lecture from my dad.

I'm stand in outside room 34. Waiting. The door finally opens and I walk in with my school bag.
Jack runs in after a few seconds from me walking in.

There were 3 rows of tables and each had 5 seats. I sat in the first row on the third seat. Jack sat in the second row on the third seat.
I leaned my head against the window whilst I heard Mr.Minach say "Detention begins, now."

5 minutes later

"Psssst. Psssssssssssst!"
I turned my head. It was Jack (who else?). I 'mimed'
He had his white board and his white board marker.
I only had my marker so I took a plastic sleeve.
We spoke with the things were wrote on the "boards /sleeve.

Jack: Why are you so mad at me?
Amy: Mad? MAD? You left me crying on the floor! You didn't speak to me for how Kong on what others told you that was a LIE .
Jack: It's been rough for me OK? Who was I supposed to believe? Amanda who I've knows since I was in grade 1 or a girl who just moved in?
Amy: Just leave it. Well I'm telling you the truth, all of it was a lie. I understand why you listened to your girlfriend.

I turned around and layed my head against the window, and just shut my eyes.

"Pssst. pssssssssssssst."
I ignored.
I felt something hit me. It was a piece of an eraser. Then another one hit me.
I turned around and saw Jack's note.

Jack: Amanda isn't my girlfriend. What made you think that?

I took out my pocket sleeve.

Amy: Well maybe because you two shared a smoothie, you guys hugged, like tight this morning and she's all over you.

Jack:We went to that Cafe to discuss an assignment for Life Orientation.
She hugged ME really tight. She's been a bit weird lately.
I'm sorry if you took it that way.

Before I could reply the teacher shouts,
Then he confiscated out markers and boards and my sleeve.

I looked at Jack and he gave me a wink.
We didn't speak after that.

After Detention

Jack and I were walking out the school gates.
"Glad that's over. I had a great nap." Jack said.
"Yep. Well, I'm just glad we sorted things out."
" me to. Hey, it's not that late. Let's go swim in my Rock pool."
"I think I'd pass. I have a lot of homework. Also, I'm grounded."
"Tell your parents that you came home later because you had to stay in for an extra hour of detention."
"Jack, I'm just not in the mood to lie to my parents right now. And the way your treated me made me cry nights. It's been a rough week I just want to go home. We can go tomorrow maybe." I replied.
"I understand. I'm really sorry. I don't knew why I treated your that way, you can ask anyone I'm never this type of person. It was all a misunderstanding." He replied.
"I know. But, I'm pretty sure your worse." I giggled.
"Heeey! " jack replied, punching my arm softly.
"See you tomorrow. At community service."
"See you." He replied.

We both walked into our house gates.

What a day.

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