Twistful day

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Last period of the day.
Just 5 minutes.
Feels like an hour after every minute.

Bell Rings

"Hey Amy you look like you need help." Said the thing. I don't need Jack's help he's the one that got ME into crutches. "No thanks." I replied irritably. "You sure?" He asked. I shook my head to say no. But this guy doesn't care and is so selfish he just took my bag and put it onto his back.
We started walking(well I was on crutches ) outside and I said, " I can carry my own bag."
"Really now? OK, here you go."
Jack helped me put my straps over my shoulders then out of the blue he stood in front of me and put his hands around my legs and before I knew it I was 'piggy back riding' him. My crutches fell as this happened.
"PUT ME DOWN!!!" I shouted. "Nope. Hey Billy,pick those up for me." He said to the green beanie guy who's name is apparently Billy, he doesn't look like a Billy though.
"People are staring!!!" I whispered. "Let them."
"Some are taking photos!!"
"Make sure they get my good side." He said. This guy!

We were out the school gates now. Walking down the street. "OK, you got what you wanted. Attention. You can let me down now." I said.
"No ways. Have you seen your foot? Didn't the doctor say it's going to take 3 days to heal?"
"2 days."
"Same thing-" "No.-" "Just shush and listen here sweetie, I can let it heal in one day since I'm carrying you."
" I have crutches for a reason."
"Well now you have me." Jack grinned. I could feel my cheeks getting warm.
"Aren't your arms getting tired? I'm really heavy."
"No your not. And in any case I'm strong. Have you seen these bad boys?!"
"What bad boys? " I asked.
"My muscles of course. Right'y here is named John. And lefty is Bradser." Jack replied.
"You're joking right?"
"How could I?" He said in a posh voice.
He threw my crutches over my gate and carried on walking down the road passed the cafe.
"Where are we going?" I asked. "Somewhere. Don't you love surprises?" He asked. "Not from you. The last surprise from you got me into crutches." I said. "That wasn't my fault tho. You should have known there were rocks. It's called The ROCK pool for a reason."
"So your blaming me?" I asked. "No, I'm blaming the rock pool for having rocks. It's like buying jelly babies but instead there's chocolate In the jelly baby packet." He replied.
"Shut up."

We passed his house and walked down the street near the beach. I could hear the waves. I'm starting to like this place.
"We're going to the beach aren't we?"
"Bingo." He replied.
He opened the gate and we walked down the wooden stairs. I could see the waves crashing on the sand. The time was 14:00 so it wasn't that rough today. The beach wasn't packed but there were a few people, like 5 groups. I could smell the salty sea, the smell itself is indescribable.

He set me down on a bench and sat next to me.
"So. How was school?" He asked.
"Nice way to start a conversation hey." I replied.
"Why are we here." I asked.
"To swim." Jack replied.
"I swear you have the memory of a gold fish."
"I'm just teasing. I wanted to get to know you more." He said. "ME?" I replied. "Why not?"
He started asking me questions and I told him the basics. Like where i came from etc.

Apparently he moved here from South Africa when he was 8 years old. He said he lived in this place called Cape Town. Where ever that is . He's parents divorced and his mom re-married then moved here. He lived here ever since.
He's older sibling studies in Cape Town. He said he'll take me one day. Yah sure.

After wards he walked me home, up the gate inside to the front door. I saw my dads car was parked. He couldn't just drop me and we left the crutches by the gate. Oh no.

I saw the door opening and it was my sister. She took a photo!
"HAHA I got black mail! !" She shouted. From the shouting my dad walks out. Great.
"Amy. Who's this?" With a disappointing look on his face. "A friend." I replied. "So sorry sir. She was 'walking' down the road and these guys tried to mug her and they threw her crutches in the Bush. I grabbed her and put her on my back whilst they were digging in her school bag." Jack replied. Like my dad will believe that. "Amy. Is this true?" He gave me a suspicious look. I just nodded then looked down, with my nose against his back.
He walked me in and set me down onto the couch.
My dad asked him to go to the kitchen and they spoke for what felt like forever. When they finished Jack just walked out without saying bye. My dad told me to hop to my room and gave me what looked like a forced smile. What the hell happened?


Drove out the gate with dad. Found the crutches still lying on the drive way. "Explain." Is all my dad said when he got back in the car and gave me the crutches. "Looks like the mugger threw it in the wrong Bush. Haha. Ha..." my dad ignored me the rest of the trip. When I arrived at school he looked at me for what felt like the first time in my life and said, "I don't want you near that boy. You hear me?" . I nodded and got out the car.
As I got into class , Jack looked at me but then looked away. Was he ignoring me? Everyone was laughing at me. I saw the most popular girl, Amanda, made the photo into a moving photo as if I was humping him. I was ashamed.
Through the rest of the day with everyone laughing and Jack's ignorance,I got through it and then "walked" home. He didn't say one word to me and walked right passed me on the way out of the school gates. What the hell did I do to deserve this?

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