Chapter 1: Rebellion

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Grian wiped a cloud of moisture from his mirror, trying to catch a glimpse at his hollow features. Chiseled cheeks, sunken eyes - and his ever-present abs, which he was very proud of. He liked to think his carefully trained physique made up for his frame. On his best days, Grian cut a proud five feet and two inches.

Of course, that was before his usual admin power heightening procedure.

The past few weeks had been difficult for the Physical Prime Admin. Truth be told, it was difficult for all of the prime admins. Grian had known that there would be backlash. He had known that it was soon - too soon. The watchers were still a sensitive topic in Minecraftia. Grian supposed he had figured that bringing back every. Single. Dead. Admin - at the cost of his own life, too, would've bought him some brownie points.

Of course, apparently this was not the case.

"People are like dogs. And not the smart kind. They don't remember much. All they know is the people who feed them and those who don't. Predators. Interlopers. The mob doesn't know anything but what they deem right and wrong. There isn't any nuance in rebellion. Be careful you're on the right side of the mob."

Grian remembered his predecessor, Prime Admin Yaevia's, words like bile in the back of his throat. He had always been rash, but he'd finally taken it too far.

One thing that Grian was not - yet - was unaware. He knew what the people of Minecraftia wanted. And he knew what they chanted for, veiling their true intentions.

"A trial," Grian spat when Pearl first broke the news, wincing. "I save all their wretched lives and they want me to stand TRIAL!" Grian had yelled, banging his fist on the table. The table fractured and split in two. The sky clapped with thunder.

The weather had been very poor this month.

"Yes, a trial, Xel." Pearl put a hand on Grian's shoulder, her eyes filled with pain.

"They can't think we'll grant them one. To have a Prime Admin stand trial would make a mockery of the entire governing system of Minecraftia. Regardless of the outcome they'll call for my replacement on the council. Our enemies will think us ruined. The last thing we need is another war." Grian paced back and forth.

"If we don't give them one we could risk a full-fledged rebellion." Pearl had spoken at last.

"I'll speak to you again later. When you've come to your senses." Grian had spat with as much venom as possible before stalking off to cool down. He and Pearl rarely fought, and Grian knew that he should apologize. Emotions were running high, and both Prime Admins merely wished the best for their nation.

But at the same time, Grian couldn't fathom actually considering a trial. For him of all people. A prime admin. Usually Grian was up for making a mockery of the system, but this crossed a line. And it wouldn't be Grian crossing lines this time. It would be Xelqua. And that would end badly. Very bad.

Even if it didn't end with a call to terminate Grian's primeship - or worse - Xelqua's reputation would never recover. There would be no respect. No fear. Nothing to keep Minecraftia in line. A shell of a prime. At that point it would be better for Minecraftia if Grian simply stepped down.

Grian shuddered at the thought as he slipped his flowing Prime robes over his shoulder. Shaking his curly golden-and-chocolate waves dry, Grian whisked down the corridor to the main Prime rooms.

Gem, of course, being intuitive as she was, stood waiting for him.

Grian's heart still skipped a beat every time he saw Scar or Gem. Every instinct screamed at him to HIDE! SHIFT! SHIFT! RUN! Before he remembered that Scar, Gem, and indeed a number of hermits on the Hermitcraft server knew his identity.

Today was particularly disconcerting because Grian hadn't yet adjusted his height, and now he found himself staring up at the willowy young woman.

"So I'm guessing the downpour means Pearl told you." Gem sighed.

"And I'm guessing this-" Grian gestured to Gem, "means you've known for longer than I have." Grian grouched, throwing himself onto the newly instated green velvet couches. Gem certainly had a flair for home decor. In the few weeks since she had been instated as Nature Prime Admin the Prime headquarters had been whisked into a green-pink-and-velvet blur.

"Grian we don't know what to do. None of us do."

"We can't give them what they want." Grian snapped.

"And what if they rebel? We just got out of a war. We can't fight our own citizens, Gri." Gem paused, wincing. "I can't."

"And if I stand trial?" Grian raised an eyebrow. Gem avoided his gaze. They both knew how that would end. Rebellion wasn't the only threat on the horizon.

"Look, Grian, I-" Gem raised a hand,

"If you're going to lecture me about why it was a terrible idea to reveal my identity in the first place you can save it. I already know." Grian hissed. Gem recoiled.

"We can talk later." Gem said finally, hurt. "And for the record, that is not what I was going to say." Grian didn't respond. He didn't know how to. And it was becoming more and more apparent every day that he didn't know how to do practically anything anymore. 

I don't even know how to be a good best friend anymore. Grian looked down at the high-tech com around his wrist. 

You have: 8 NEW MESSAGES flashed across the little screen. Then: Mumbo Jumbo flashed. Grian facepalmed and made a mental note to pop into Hermitcraft sometime in the next week. Just as he had last week. And the week before. And the week before that. 

Being a Prime Admin was hard. Especially when you were actively being overthrown.

"Xelqua!" Pearl's authoritarian voice cut through the silence.

"Coming, Pearl!" Grian called in the nicest tone he could muster. But the facade didn't last long. One look at Pearl's face and he crumbled.

"Xelqua they're calling for a challenge."

"You've beat plenty of challengers before - you'll be fine. I know you." Grian clasped her hand, his brow creasing.

"No, Xelqua. They're not challenging me. They're challenging you."

A/N: I think I'm publishing this. Idk. Idk. Idk. This might be a mistake. Guys let me know if this concept actually sucks because I can definitely go with something different. It's been way too long, idek how to write anymore T-T

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