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As i arrived i saw my dad's car outside, how did he know my hideout place, i saw him get out of the car, i was already feeling angry but now im angrier, months has passed and he didn't check up on me

even though what he did was wrong he is still my dad, "Haneul"he spoke, i was already at my front door, i turned around to him, my heart broke when i saw his face, that wasn't how dad looked, he looks thinner, pale, dark circles

he gave me a weak smile, "can we talk?"he spoke, i nodded, i opened my door and we got in, "h-how did you know about my place?"i asked, "you once talked about it and our driver remembers the location"he said, he sat down on the couch

"would you like something to drink?"i said, "no im fine, i see you went shopping"he said looking at my bags, "oh i was bored"i said, strangely i don't feel angry anymore, it got replaced with comfort? I don't know how to explain it

"your mom is asking for a divorce"he spoke looking down, "oh.."is all i could say, "im the one who can't have children not her"he explained, "when you left i told her and now she wants divorce which is understandable I'm the one who lied I deserve it"my heart broke

"dad.."i spoke, he wiped his tears, "our court is tomorrow and im giving her what she wants"he looked at me with his glossy eyes, "i just can't lose you both"he cried, i immediately went beside him and hugged him

"i loved your mom so much and she deserves to have children of her own while she can"he said, "but Haneul you're my daughter even if i am not your father you're the child I've always wished for"as he spoke i was already crying

"i want to make it official and adopt you"he pulled away, "do you want to be my daughter?"he asked looking at me with hopeful eyes, "I can't live without you Haneul"he spoke, "you're the light of my life and my happiness"he said, i broke into a smile, i nodded

he hugged me, "I promise you i will treat you better then before thank you"i let my tears fall on his shirt, he is the one who raised me as his own, it takes lots of courage, "i love you dad"i spoke, "i love you too"he caressed my head. After calming down we went to the kitchen, "i only have water if that's okay?"i said

he nodded, i gave him a water bottle, i just observed him, i have so many questions, "ask away"he spoke, i was flustered, "how did you know?"i said, "you have a huge question mark on your face"he chuckled

i smiled, "you wanna know about your real parents?"he asked, i nodded, he sighed and sat straight, "okay, your biological mother my sister Naeun after giving birth to you she suffered from postpartum depression while your father was busy drinking and partying, i was the one who took care of you and my sister since both of your grandparents are dead"he paused to look at me

"your father got into an accident after coming home drunk and screaming at my sister she kicked him out, unfortunately he died at the scene he had high alcohol percentage and drove into a building"i was shocked, i didn't expect this type of story

"i-i expected a typical story like they both didn't want me and gave me away"i stuttered, "Naeun did leave after Jinyoung died, with the depression she couldn't handle it so she didn't want to be a mother anymore, she gave you to me and Yujin"he said

shocking me more, she just gave me up? Because her husband died? Why does it feel like i was the one who killed him, "i know what you're thinking, it's not your fault you were just an innocent baby who didn't know anything, but i did my best to raise you and so did Yujin, yes she didn't like that she was taking care of someone who isn't hers but i promise you she loved you"he said

"where is she now? Naeun?"i asked, "she is in france she has been there for 23 years"he said, i was disappointed, the person who gave birth to me didn't want me, has she ever thought about me?

"Im sorry Haneul but please know whatever happened you were meant to be my daughter and i couldn't be happier to have you"he said, "you were a gift to me from the sky that's why i named you Haneul"he smiled, i was teary again

"don't cry sweetheart i will be the best single parent on earth"he opened his arms and i ran to to him hugging him and feeling the comfort i always needed, he is my father and nothing will change that.

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