Kendall X Louis-Hazzas_Summer_Love

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"Hurry your lazy bum up, Steph!" I say, doing a little anxious dance by the side of her car.

"Calm your tits, chica, I'm going," my best friend replied, her head in the trunk of her car. We were at the beach as a celebration of summer just starting, and to get away from our worries and everyone we knew.

She lifted her head out, carrying multiple bags and handing them to me to carry down, when she saw my dance. "Ken, if you have to go to the bathroom that badly, I'll meet you there, don't worry." she said, laughing.

I stopped and stared at her, confused, "What do you mean? I don't-Oh. No, that was my 'hurry the F up or I'm gonna smash your car' dance."

"Fine! I'm ready," she said after a minute. WIth the cooler and a couple bags in her arms, we hurried down the stairs to the sand. After a few minutes of looking for a good spot to set up camp, we finally found it.

It was close enough to the water that if we wanted we could go swim and not have to walk a mile back to our stuff, but far enough that the little kids wouldn't be pouring sand on us and our feet wouldn't get wet from the water being washed up to shore.

I laid my towel down on the sun-baked sand and removed the tee shirt I was wearing over my bikini and took off my sunglasses.

It was a perfect day; sunny, warm, and the only person I knew was Steph. It was great.

"Where'd you put the grapes?" a familiar, and very annoying voice called not too far off.

"Well, I don't know! I didn't pack the lunch, you idiot!" a deeper voice retorted.

"Um, excuse me?" the higher pitched voice said close by. Probably talking to Stephanie. "Do you happen to have any grapes in your cooler?"

I sat up quickly, "Oh hell no. You aren't taking our grapes." I said, glaring at the single most annoying person ever, Louis Tomlinson.

"Kendall? Oh, what a terrible surprise." he shot back.

"Jackass," I mumbled.

"What was that, love?" he asked, now sitting in front of me.

"If you don't mind, I'd rather not have my eyes burned from staring at your ugly mug." I said, looking ahead of him.

"Nah, I like this spot. Hey lads," Louis said, looking towards his little posse, "I like this spot better. Come on!"

I groaned, and grabbed my iPod out of my bag and put the earphones in my ear. Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away.

I closed my eyes and decided to take a nap. Hopefully they would be gone when I woke up.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

I was wrong. The idiot and his friends were still there. And to make it worse, they were talking with Steph, and eating the food. Our food. My food. I got up, and looked at those five boys, one in particular. If looks could kill.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" I was fuming. That was my food that I packed.

"Well, I think I'm enjoying a nice sandwich and some grapes." Louis replied with that cute little smirk of his.

Wait. What did I just say? His smirk was definitely not cute. He was definitely not cute.

But there he was, just sitting there, all shirtless like he owned the place. His eyebrow rose, challenging me.

"Oh! I have an idea!" my peppy friend spoke. "They could like do a race, and whoever loses has to find a new spot!" she said, clapping at her brilliance. They others agreed, leaving just Him and me silent.

"What the hell. I'm gonna win, why not." Louis said, shrugging.

"Language, you ass. And funny. You think you're actually gonna beat me?"

"Oh, things are getting hot over there. I can feel the tension from here," Harry said, making everyone laugh.

"I can see you getting excited already Styles, getting to see me run in a bikini." I said, adding a wink for effect.

"Are we gonna race or not?" Louis asked, getting impatient.

I nodded, "Jeez, what's up his butt?"

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

After a few minutes of prepping and figuring out all the details, Louis and I were standing at the make-shift start line. We had to run down the beach about 400 meters, and the first one there wins. Simple as that.

"On your mark, get set, GO!" Stephanie screamed.

I ran as fast as I could down the beach, sand flying up behind me, but the truth of the matter was that I was in no way, shape, or form a runner. Although, I did happen to keep good pace with Louis.

We were about 50 meters from the end when I finally started to feel the pain from sprinting this much. This was why I didn't do Track in school. We ended up crossing the finish line at the same time, due to Louis being exhausted at the end. His hair was all messed up from the wind, and it looked pretty cute.

Stop it Kendall!

Before I knew it, I was being pushed up against a rock, and Louis's face was centimeters from mine. The look on his face scared me, which he could never do. It looked like he was angry, not at me, but at himself, and something else that I couldnt quite name. "Stop doing that." he growled at me.

"St-Stop what?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"I'm supposed to hate you. Stop making me want to- never mind."

"Want to what?" I asked, regaining my confidence.

"You want to know?" He asked, raising his cute little eyebrow.

Why do I keep doing this?

"Yes, now tell me."

He looked as though he were weighing his options for something, and then looked at me, his eyes growing darker. Before I knew what was happening, his lips crashed into mine. His lips were rough, but soft as they moved against mine. I responded, not knowing why.

When he pulled away, his bright blue eyes stared into my brown ones. My heart was racing, and my breathing was heavy. I wanted to feel his lips on mine again.

I can't get you out of my mind, Kendall," he spoke softly. The previous anger in both his voice and face were replaced by softness. "I'm not sure I like what you're making me, but what just happened, you can't tell me you didn't feel anything."

It was true. Sparks flew when his lips met mine, and felt so, right. I was speechless at the moment, so all I did was stare at him, and bite my swollen lip.

"Talk to me, god damn it!" he yelled, pounding his hand into the rock. "Ouch! Fuck that hurts." he muttered, holding his already bruising hand. "Please, just talk to me," he asked, his eyes pleading.

Since I was still in a bit of shock, I did the only thing I could think of. I knotted my fingers into his messy hair, and pulled his lips back down to mine. I felt him smirk in the kiss as he responded immediately.

"You know," I said, as we pulled away again, our foreheads touching, "it's really hot when you're mad."

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Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to get this one up, but I finally got it up. Yay! This is dedicated to @Hazzas_Summer_Love who is a very awesome person, so you should all go fan her and be super nice to her! :) Anyways, I think that's all!



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