Just to Get High-Song Shot

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He was my best friend. We helped each other through everything, no matter what it was. I supported him through his fame, and was his number one fan. That is, until he changed.

He had everything you could ever want, money, a supportive family, best friends, adoring fans, and an amazing life, and he traded it for suffering. I had never seen him look so lost, so alone. He wouldn't let anyone in, so we all watched him slowly fade away in the background.

One night is still edged into my brain. I see it every night, replaying in my head. It was when I realized nothing could help him anymore. He was dead inside.

I had been walking home late from work one night, and I heard my name. From an alley. In the middle of the night. But the thing is, I knew that voice. "H-Harry?" my scared voice said just aboce a whisper.

I started walking down the alley when I got no response. I know what you're probably thinking. Why would I go down an alley at night, alone? But what I saw scarred me more than any physical harm done to me.

It was Harry. He was sitting in the corner, looking helpless. His face wasn't asking for help. It had no emotion at all. He just looked... dead. His eyes were bloodshot, and I could tell he wasn't in his right mind. He almost never was now. He was always high. No one knew what got him hooked, why he started. But ever since he had, he had almost never stopped.

Only now, he looked beat up, like he had gotten into a fight. The cuts on his lips would almost positively leave scars, and the skin just under his left eye was opened from a punch most likely. There was no helping him now.

I couldn't utter a word, I just stared at him. I couldn't understand why he would do this to himself. To his fans. To his family. No more pity was left in me for him. Only anger. It rushed through my veins and I got closer to him. "Now you've done it, Styles. I'm not even going to try anymore. It's obvious you want to be like this.  You're not even worth it anymore. You don't even deserve to live anymore if this is how you're going to spend the rest of your god damn life!" I said and ran off, back to my house. 

I hadn't realized until the next day how much trouble I could've caused. He knew who I was, and he wasn't thinking straight. As I read through the daily newspaper, an article caught my eye.

Out of Styles' Mind

Late last night, Harry Styles was caught in Londoner, Jack Zeekus's house with a knife to Zeekus's wife's throat. Apparently, Styles had been attempting to steal multiple family heirlooms when she came down from hearing a noise. Luckily, she had called the police before coming down, who came just in time to save her life.

"I just hope he's locked up for a long time. He almost killed my wife. is this really what we want today's youth looking up to?" comments on Styles.

It sickened me to think that Harry would go and do this. i didn't even know what to think anymore. I threw the paper down and cried. What happened to him that made him do this to himself? Why didn't he want help? Many questions flew through my mind and were cut off by my phone ringing. It was an unknown number, but I answered it.

"Bea? Is that you?" A familiar deep voice asked, sounding quite scared. 

"Harry?" I said, my breath catching in my throat. "Harry, what's wrong?"

"I'm so scared Bea. I don't know what to do. I don't think there's anything I can do."

"Harry, where are you? I can come and get you." I asked as calmly as I could.

"That's the thing Bea, you can't. I'm going to jail. And I deserve it. I'm a- a monster. I tried to kill a man's wife! I'm so scared Bea." His voice broke my heart. He was terrified. "I'm such a horrible person. Look what I'm teaching the fans. The boys probably hate me. My family probably hates me. You probably hate me."

Even when it was him in trouble, all he could think about was everyone else. He never wanted to care what people thought of him, but he couldn't help it. And he always wanted to help. And he felt that if any of the fans ever do anything in the future, it will be because of him. "Shh, Harry, it'll be okay. We can bail you out. We can watch over you, we can help. Just-"

"No Bea, stop. You can't. I am what I am now. This is what has to happen. I can't just get out of things because I have money. What do you think that'll teach the fans? I'm sorry Bea. I have to go, my time's up. I love you," his softer voice said.

"Goodbye Harry." I replied, barely audible.

He had everything. Everything he ever wanted. And one mistake, one small decision ended up sending him to jail. He had it all. But he gave it all up, just to get high.

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Hey guys! So this is my entry for @King_Anna 's Song Shot challenge! I hope you all like it. Sorry if it's horrid, and it's not that long... Oh well. 



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