Aashna X Harry-frompariswithlovexx

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I took a deep breath and had one last look at myself in my full-length mirror. I dresses a little fancier than usual, but it was my first date with Harry tonight. I was dressed in dark skinny jeans, a light blue flowy top, and tan flats. My make up was light, so you almost couldn't tell it was on. I was quite satisfied with my work, but that didn't stop the butterflies in my stomach.

"Aashna, Harry's here!" my mother called from the bottom of the stairs. 

"Coming mom!" I yelled back, and walked down the stairs at normal speed, although I wanted to run a a mile do to the adrenaline flowing through my veins. As soon as my brown eyes met Harry's emerald green ones, my heart leaped. He always had that effect on me. He smiled that little half smirk of his that made me bite my lip.

"You two have fun, and make sure to be home by 11." my mother smiled sweetly, waving us out of the house. As we exited, Harry's hand intertwined with mine, sending electricity up my arm. I looked over to see him smiling at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked, getting a bit awkward and embarrassed.

"You're adorable when you get all flustered," he said in his deep, slow voice, making me blush. "But no, there's nothing on your face," he concluded, smirking again.

"So, uh, where are we going?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I thought we'd do a bit of dumpster diving," he said, a look of pure seriousness on his face. I stopped walking and looked at him in confusion. And of course that led to him bursting out in his sweet laughter.

"I was kidding. It's a surprise."

"Oh," was all I could say. We walked hand and hand down the sidewalk, making small talk. We finally stopped at an Italian restaurant.

I followed Harry in, who spoke to a middle-aged woman who would seat us. "Reservations for Styles?"

She nodded, "Follow me. Would you like a table or booth?"

"What would you prefer, Aashna?" Harry asked me quietly.

"Whatever you want is perfectly fine." I responded.

"Uh, doesn't matter." Harry said awkwardly to the lady staring at us.

She led us to a table for two in the back. The only light was the small decorative twinkling lights and the candles on the tables. As we seated, she set two menus down and smiled, "Your waiter will be right with you," and then walked away.

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We walked out of the restaurant after a very nice meal. One of the best Italian meals I had ever had, in fact. "Oh Harry, thank you so much." I said, smiling at him.

"It was my pleasure. Now, how about some ice cream?" 

I nodded very enthusiastically, making Harry chuckle. "Well then, let's go!" He said, leading us to a small ice cream parlor in town. A bell dinged as we walked in to the almost empty building. The only other person in there, was an elderly woman behind the counter, who was running the place.

Harry and I walked up to her, smiling. "What would you like, love?" he asked me, looking at the flavors.

"Hm, how about the Double Chocolate Chunk?" I decided and looked up at Harry, who was quite a few inches taller than me. He nodded and turned to the lady.

"We'll have to Double Chocolate Chunks in Waffle Cones, please." He said and handed her the money. 

"Harry, I can pay for mine." I argued.

"No, I'm taking you out and I'm the man, therefore I'm paying." he argued back, a smirk playing on his lips.

The lady handed us the ice cream and we thanked her. We sat down at a small table and ate our ice cream as we talked.

Once we had finished our cold sweet treats, we walked out, and it started raining, slowly at first, but within a couple minutes it was pouring. 

"Oh no!" I called out, as the ice cold rain droplets touched my toasty skin. I started shivering. Suddenly, I felt something warm be put over my shoulders. I turned around to see Harry had placed his jacket on me. "Harry, you di-didn't have t-to do that. Oh gre-great. Now you're g-gonna get sick, and it's a-all my f-fault." I said, and started rambling. "This is awful. I'm so so-sorry this happened, H-Harry."

"This is the best way to end the night," Harry said softly, as we continued walking.

I looked at him questioningly. He smirked and pulled us out onto the abandoned street. "Harry, what are you doing?" I questioned.

"Shh, don't ruin the moment," he said, and crashed his lips to mine. I was a little shocked at first, but reponded immediately. The taste of his lips mixed with the rain was addicting. My hands found their way up to his curls, and his around my waist, pulling my close. His grip was strong, but careful, as if he were afraid I would break.

Suddenly, a car horn made us jump apart and run onto the sidewalk, laughing. We walked back to my house, as the rain dimmed to a slight drizzle. We were soaking wet, but smiling giddily, like children on Christmas. 

I was shivering, wet, and probably looked insane right now, but I was okay with that. As long as I was  with Harry.

This was perfect.

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Hey guys! This is for @frompariswithlovexx and she is absolutely gorgeous! I'm so jealous. :) I'm so sorry it took so long to write, and it's not even that long... :p I hope you like it though!



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