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Gone. That's what he was. He was never coming back. I would never feel his warm, strong arms wrapped around me again. Never smell his musky scent that I loved. Never feel his warmth. He was gone, as well as the best three years of my life. And there was nothing I could do to bring them back.

We had met the summer of 2014, and things just sort of... clicked. There was no other way to describe it. It just sort of happened. He was just out of a poorly ended relationship, and I guess he just needed a friend.

It was a warm day in June, and my friend and I had just arrived in London for a vacation we'd been planning for years. We'd split up about a half hour ago: her to the hotel to check us in, and me to go buy movie tickets for a show tonight. After I had found the cinema, I stopped in a little coffee shop not far away from the hotel. I ordered to iced lattes since it was so warm and waited for them to be ready. I sat down at a table near the entrance and looked out the window at the amazing city I would be at for the next two weeks.

Just as the barista called my name to get the drinks, the bell to signify a new customer rang. I turned to see a distraught-looking guy probably about 20 years old. I recognized him from that big British-Irish boy band, One Direction, but couldn't recall which he was.

His eyes met mine for a second before I looked away, embarrassed I had been caught staring at him. I walked up to the counter and grabbed the drinks, giving the young girl a small smile before turning around to leave. 

As I turned around, I saw the boy stare at me, making me stare back. Our eyes connected, and this time, something just clicked. I wanted to get to know him. I wanted him to open up. I don't know why, but something told me he wanted to tell someone. I sat down at the table again, and started drinking my iced coffee drink.

And for some odd reason, he must have felt what I did, because he came to sit down next to me. We talked for what seemed like hours just getting to know each other. We laughed, we exchanged sad stories, and tried to one-up each other with failed date stories. To someone watching, it would seem like we were old friends catching up, not two strangers just meeting, but it felt that way too, like somehow, we already knew each other. 

After that, things just got better. We went on a couple dates, and when my friend and I went back to America, we skyped and texted all the time. And when he and his band mates came touring in America, of course I went. 

The summer after we met, I moved to London, and moved in with him. We had become pretty serious, and surprisingly, most fans supported our relationship. You hear all the time about how much hate people get for being in a relationship with someone famous, but I only got a rude comment here or there.

On our second anniversary, he asked me to marry him in that same coffee shop, that same table. a few months later, though, something terrible happened. While he was out after a night of partying for a friend's birthday, he got shot. Right in his heart. He was killed immediately. 

So here I was, a month away from the planned wedding date, going to my fiance's funeral. Not only did I lose my fiance, but my best friend. And others lost a brother, a son, an idol. Liam Payne was gone. My best friend was gone. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together, have a happy ending.

But then again, there never really are happy endings, are there?


Hey!!!! So, this is a one shot for a competition thing I'm in! And if I make it through this, I go to the finals! I really hope you all like it! I know I didn't mention his name until the very end, but I meant to do that, don't worry! :)

Love you,

~~Kat :)

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