Friday Night Movie Fright

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You hurriedly clean your living room as you get set up for tonight. Liam was coming over for your weekly "Friday Night Movie Fright" but it hadn't been at your house for awhile. You and Liam had been friends for years and this was the last movie night you had for a long time since he was going on tour for a few months.

Although you and Liam had always been close, you never saw him as an older brother figure, even though he was two years older than you. You had had the biggest crush on him since you were about seven years old, and you hoped tonight would be the night you tell him, if you had the courage.

It seemed you had just finished cleaning, it was already 7:30 and Liam was at your door. You opened the door to see his smiling face. He held a couple movies in his left hand, since the guest had to bring that while the host had to supply food and drinks.

"What movies did you bring, Liam?" You ask trying to read the titles.

"Uh, Handgun Serenade and The Conjuring." He read off the cases.

"Handgun Serenade doesn't sound that scary..." You reply, looking at him quizzically.

Liam gave a small chuckle that you couldn't help but get weak in the knees from. "Trust me, it's fricking scary."

"Alright, I'll take your word for it. How about you set up the movie and I'll get some snacks?" You ask and he nods, walking over to your DVD player.

You come back with chips(or crisps, whatever you call them) and some sour patch kids. You sit on one end of the couch, putting the snacks in the middle cushion so you both have access. "If you were serious about how scary this is, prepare for your arm to be bruised in the morning." You warn, making Liam chuckle once again as he sits on his cushion.

You press play on the remote, starting the movie. The beginning wasn't too bad, but as it got towards the climax, your heart rate had increased considerably and you were covering your eyes with your hands.

The last thing you saw on screen was the main character get shot by the creepy doll and then everything blacks out. "What did we just watch?" You ask, not daring to take your eyes off the screen.

All of a sudden you feel something on your shoulder and you jump, until you realize it was Liam's hand. "Holy shit, Liam, you scared me!" You said, making him smile.

All of a sudden, Liam's face turns serious. "Did you hear that?" He asked.

"Hear what? I swear to god if you're tricking me-" you stopped as Liam brought his hand up.

"It's coming from outside. I'll go check it out, you stay here." He says and gets up.

"No! Liam, don't! It's raining and you don't know what's out there!" You practically yell.

"I'll be fine, I promise. If I'm not back in five minutes, come find me." He said and walked out the door.

Your heartbeat was going triple the normal rate, but you couldn't help it, you were scared. You paced around the room until five minutes were up and Liam still wasn't back.

Shakily, you slip your boots on and open the door, looking around. But of course, since it's dark, you can't see much, plus the rain.

You walk out slowly, "L-Liam? Are you out here? Li-" you're silenced as a large hand covers your mouth and pulls you against a strong body. You try to struggle out, but the mystery person is too strong.

It's too late. You're going to die. And you never got to tell Liam how you felt. So you do the only reasonable thing you can think of, you start to cry.

"Shh, Shh, babe, it's alright. I'm not gonna hurt you. It was a joke." A deep, familiar voice whispers in your ear as he turns you around.

You take a sigh of relief as you see it was Liam behind you. But then your relief turns to anger. "LIAM JAMES PAYNE! What the fudge were you thinking? That was so not funny! I could've died! I thought you had di-"

Your sentence was yet again cut off but not in the way you were thinking. His soft lips pressed against yours. You immediately closed your eyes and responded.

The sweet taste of his lips and the taste of the rain mingled perfectly together. It was just like a movie.

When you pulled apart, he rested his forehead against yours, although he was considerably taller than you.

"I have to tell you something," you both say at the same time, making you blush.

"Uh, you first,"

"No, you. Go ahead."

You bite your lip and look into his warm brown eyes. "Promise me you won't freak out." You say, and he nods, his eyes not leaving yours for a moment.

"I love you, Liam." You finally say, and you see something in his eyes but you can't quite name it. He breaths a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god. I was worried for a minute you were gonna say something and I was gonna look like a fool and I'm rambling, aren't I?" You smile and nod. "Right. I love you. I have since the day I met you but I've been too scared to tell you."

You smile happily and pull him back into a kiss. This one even more passionate than the last, if that was possible.


Hey guys! I'm in the finals and one of the things I had to do was make an imagine about Liam consisting of the words handguns, movies, and rain so I hope you like it!


~~Kat :)

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