Date (Part 1)

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Picture above is how Onika's dress looks like

Onika Jones//Oni

I was in a bubble bath with my phone. I needed to relax my mind because tonight, Lamar's going taking me out on a date and tomorrow is the beginning of my birthday trip.

My mannnnnn🤪

Lamar was still sleeping, well that's what I thought. He opened the bathroom door with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Why you ain't wake me up?" He took his towel off and placed it on the towel rack. He got into the bath but sat behind me, his dick hitting my back. He wrapped his arms around shoulders and pulled me close to him.

"Well maybe because yous was sleeping and Ian the type to wake someone up." I scrolled through my phone.

"Yea right." He chuckled. Just then, my phone rung.

Incoming Facetime....

"Hey mama." I greeted. Lamar was tracing a tattoo on my neck which sent shivers down my spine.

"Hel- wait who that nigga at the back of you?" She looked into the camera with a glare.

"Hey ma." Lamar showed his face.

My mom let out a loud dramatic gasp.

"Seriously?" I raised a brow.

"Don't you 'seriously' me. I already knew." She shrugged.

"Now why you let out a dramatic gasp." I laughed.

"Just because. Now why you not tell me? I had to find out from Lamar's mama." She tilted her head. She was making herself coffee.

"So y'all be gossiping about yo kids?" Lamar said as he rested his chin on my shoulder, his hands kneading the flesh of my waist.

"Ey, who wouldn't. Especially if they dating. So when were you gon tell me?" She said as her hand rested on his hips.

"Forgot." I did actually forget.

"Hm, yea right. Well Ion want y'all trying no funny business." She said with her Atlanta accent. My mom and I have different accents for some reason.

"Ayi sorry but that rule's already broken." He said, kissing my cheek and neck.

"Holy fucker, my babies are now sexual." She said with her hand on her chest.

I laughed at how dramatic she was becoming.

"Did you have to say that?" I turned my head over my shoulder.

"Yes and no." He pecked my lips

"If y'all gon make out, switch the camera and mic off." She laughed and I just looked at her with disgust written all over my face.

"Shit. Anyways how the twins doin'?" I asked her. I had two younger siblings, they both 17. A boy and girl. Ziaire and Zaila. Ziaire was born before Zaila.

"Dey good. Zaila's out with the girls and Ziaire he's...lord knows where." She waved her hand in the air in a circular motion.

"How youan know where your own son at?" I let out a small laugh.

"Ey, he's something else. Is all because of you Lamar and that goddamn brother of yours." She frowned.

"The fuck I do?"

"You be acting too gangster around that boy." She glared at him.

"Wait he doing trap shit?" I exclaimed.

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