
47 1 0

{Published 1May2024}
{Edited 7January2025}

Onika Calhoun Jones//Oni

"What the fuck?" I say while coughing.

"Yo ma wassup?" said Lamar

"Don't wassup me. Why are the windows not open. Who the heck smokes weed without opening the window?" I say as Sky and I enter the house.

"Sorry ma. Come give me a hug." He says, motioning me to go over to him and give him a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hey sis, you don't see me. Where's my hug?" I heard Ashton saying.

"Fuck off." I say

"Damn I'm kinda hurt." he said. I just rolled my eyes.

"Sup people" Sky and I both say at the same time.


"Sup shawty"


All the boys had greeted back.

"Oh wassup pussy face. Didn't see you there" Lamar says

Before he could say something else, we just saw a furious Skyler running towards Lamar, ready to pounce on him, luckily I managed to stop her.

"Sky chill." I said while laughing. Everyone started laughing except for her

"Yeah chill. Oni, next time keep your little dog under a leash." Lamer says while backing away

"Damn" said Omar

"Fucking dickface" Sky mumbles under her breath but only Lamar and I could hear her.

"Uh? What's that dog?" Says Lamar while chuckling.

"Lamar stop" I say while popping his cheek

"Bitch what the fuck?" He said while scrunching up his face, making Sky giggle.

"What you giggling at pussy face?" He said with a mean mug.

"Dis mother-" I cut her off by placing my hand over her mouth.

"Both of u's. Stop! Yalls starting work on my goddamn nerve." I say getting annoyed.

"Meh" said sky as she heads to the couch, making Lamar and I follow right behind her.

She went to sit next to Ashton while I most obviously went to go sit next to Lamar.

"Lamar you crazy" said Omar.

"Shut up. That dog started first." Lamar says.

"Bitch call me any mean names again and this time I'll pounce on you." Skyler says with a mean mug on her face, causing Lamar to mug her back.

"Not againnnn" I drag as i became more annoyed than I already am.

"Chill." says Lamar.

"Hey Tai, what's going on with the band-aid?" I asked as I pointed at his cheek.

"Oh, Pooter and I were having a knife fight and his knife scratched my cheek." Eh what the actual fuck.

"It's like both you and Ashton have fuckin Autism or something." I rolled my eyes.

"Ayeeee it was fun." said Pooter.

"Y'all seriously ain't normal"

Lamar Kingston//Killa

Living Off Past Trauma [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now