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{Published 30Novemeber2024}
{Edited 26Janaury2025}

Lamar Kingston//Killa

It's been about a week and a half since Oni's encounter with Tjay. Nigga has my baby stressed which is not good for her or the twins. Pooter managed to shoot a small tracker on the car. It stopped at an old house on the other side of the city. He followed it but the car was left abandoned.

No trace of them.

Shit was getting real and we're so close to getting them, but we're just missing one piece.

I sighed as I walked into the room to find Onika sitting on the bed with her legs spread out. "You okay?" I asked as I sat down next to her. "Yea." She said softly with small smile.

I knew she wasn't really okay. Her being pregnant and her dad not being here to be with her, hurts her. I always try my best to comfort her. She's become so emotional and moody lately. I did my research and it's very much normal for a woman to be like that while she's pregnant. I also did my research on other stuff too.

Also with Tjay around, she feels overwhelmed and stressed. Like she's scared that if he catches her, he'll do what he did to her when she was fifteen.

I pulled her closer to me and hugged her. I soon heard a few whimpers and it just broke my heart. "I miss him." She sniffed as she cried silently. "Shhhh, don't cry. I miss him too." He kissed the top of her forehead. We both miss her father. He was like a father figure to Ashton and I before my mom introduced Kobi to us. Quincy Amari Jones. A great man. May his soul forever rest in peace❤🩹.

"What do you think Tjay wants from me?" She looked up at me with teary eyes. "I don't know. I really don't." I said honestly. "Will everything be okay?"

"Yes. Don't worry and stop stressing. It ain't good for you or the twins, okay?" I said rubbing her growing belly. "Okay." She nodded as I wiped her tears.

"You hungry?" I asked. "Not really."

"So you are hungry but not really?" I raised a brow. She shrug her shoulders showing she did not know. "C'mon, you feeding yourself plus two more. You need to eat." I got off the bed. She got off too and we walked to the kitchen. I dished us up a plate of food and placed it on the dining table. We ate, talked and laughed.

We were now sitting on the couch cuddling with one another while watching a movie. "What gender do you want the twins to be?" She asked me.

"Idunno really; and you?" I asked. I really didn't mind what gender it is. I just wanna see my babies.

"I want two boys." She smiled at me. "Why?" I tilted my head. "Girls are so dramatic. I remember Zaila being soooo dramatic. I couldn't handle it, and all baby girls I've encountered are so dramatic as kids. Not that I would mind if we had to have a girl or girls." She shrug. Yea Zaila was quite dramatic and had one nasty ass attitude as a kid.

"Yea." I chuckled. "You'an lying bout that tho."

I felt her play with the custom chain I had on. The one she bought me for my 20th birthday. It had my initials on it. I looked down and smiled at her. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." She said as she kissed my neck. She kissed my neck, jaw, cheek and my lips a few times before laying her head on my chest. Fuck this woman drives me crazy by doing thee most peaceful stuff to me. I looked at her belly again and smiled. Who knew I'd ever be on the road to becoming a father and with an amazing woman like her carrying our kids, gosh its such a wonderful blessing.

I looked down and caressed her cheek. "I love you." I said. "I love you too baby."


Lola Brinks// Lani

"Stay away from her!" I growled through the phone. "Now now. Ian do shit to her...yet." said Dippa.

"Tjay stay the fucking heck away from her. From them!!!" I shouted. Fuck!!! "Calm down. Fuck you getting so angry for. I just wanna talk to her." He said calmly.

"Yea right." I rolled my eyes. "What is it that you want from her exactly?"

"Nun. We just have some unfinished... business."

"Like what?" What does he know that I don't. What did he do that I don't know. "Don't worry lil sis. It's between me and her." He snickered. This guy seriously has a mental disorder.

"Touch her and I won't hesitate to put another motherfucking bullet through your chest." I said. Remembering how I shot him in the chest back when I was fifteen.

"Oooo I'm so scared." He said and I soon heard the line cut. Fucks sakes.

What do I do. What do I do.

Fuckkkkk this is so stressful.

I need to tell them. I need to warn them.


Short ahh chapter. Felt too lazy to write a lot.
Anyways see y'all on Tuesday❤

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