Lani Mission

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{Published 16October2024}
{Edited 25January2025}

Lola Brinks//Lani

Okay there are two ways this could possibly go about. Both not having a pleasant ending.

One being I shoot Pooter in the balls and then when he gets distracted, I shoot him in the head.

And two being he finds out I'm the one behind the mask.


Shit this is bad. What I do? What I doooo?

"You're pretty skilled." He said. He squirted his eyes at me. Looking directly into my soul. I felt so small compared to him. Yes Ashton is surprisingly tall. "You don't talk?" I shook my head as in no. "Hm. You working for anyone?" He asked. I shook my head again. "Those eyes...they-they look familiar." Oh no. "Anyways I'm finna leave you since this ain't my business."

He tugged his gun into him pants and stepped back. That's great. I heard a bunch of footsteps, like people were running towards this room. "You better get outta here if you'on wanna get caught." His gaze shifted from the door to me. I walked towards the window and jumped onto a tree. Parkour with Onika really paid off.


Old abandoned scrap yard. Downtown LA. 9pm. Looking for this nigga is starting to work on my nerves. "Hi." I almost pissed in my pants by the fright. "Holy shit why the fuck you jumpscare me like that?" I asked. "My bad Gee." The guy said. "Ya know, standing there in the dark wearing full black makes you look creepy. Get out." I said.

The guy came out from the dark. "Who sent you?" I asked. "Ruggy." He answered. I knew Rugrat would be too much of a pussy to come here in person. "Why, was he too much of a pussy?" I spat with a dry chuckle. "You know he's a busy man." He said. "Yea...right." I rolled my eyes. I tossed the sleeve at him and walked away. As soon as I made it to my motorbike, I sped off. To the one person who I knew would be okay with the state I'm in right now.


"Were you sleeping?" I asked her. "Nah." She answered. We walked into the kitchen and she poured me a glass of water. I glady took it and gulped it all down. I looked up from glass and at her hand. Spiral tattoo, and then at the woman in front of me. Chanel Leanne Prince, my biological aunt. My biological dad's twin sister. She's thirty-eight right now but looks as if she's in her early twenties.

How did I find her if you asking. Well I didn't. She found me when I was seventeen. I'm not gonna get into a lot of details about that. So you might also be wondering why she didn't take me in as her own when I was younger. Well mainly because she was a crack head who's life was falling apart and who was soon put in rehab. So she knew her brother had two kids. When she found out that my birth giver and sperm donor left me, she wanted to take me in but she couldn't because she was scared to raise me. Referring to she was scared because her life was falling apart and she didn't want to hurt me in the process and some other shit.

By the time she found me again, I had already moved from the Bronx to Atlanta with my new family. She finally got released from rehab and was fixing her life little by little; and ever since then, we've been in touch.

"So, you wanna explain why you covered in blood?" She asked. The reason I came to her is because she knows a side of me that nobody but a few other people know. She knows my evil and deadly side because she too was raised like me. A killing machine. She too is in a gang...the Hidden Ravens.

"Care to take a guess?" I asked her. I pulled my ski mask off and tossed it onto the floor. "Assassination?" She said. I nodded my head. "Had to get some data."


"Fuck must I know?" I said with a small chuckle. I removed the gun from my waistband and plopped it into the table, same goes for the last knife I had with me. "Lol. Well, you hurt?" She asked. "No. Just tired." I said. "Hm. Take of those clothes and give it to me. Time to burn them." She said. I removed them right where I was so I couldn't make the rest of her house dirty. Before she left, I asked for her phone since I left mine back at my apartment. I logged my account into her Instagram and went to my messages. Four plus messages from Tai.

Taylor A.E💸👄
🟢Active right now

4+new messages
Sent at 8:12pm

Hey, sorry for the late reply.
I was just so busy and not at home.

Read at 9:55pm

Hey ma.
Oh is cool.
Just thought something
happened to you or sum.
Where was you anyways?

Running some errands.
I left my phone at home.

Oh, I see.
But it's cool don't worry.

Yea. Well I'm really drained.
I'm finna call it a night.
Talk to you tmr.

K, Night🥺

Read at 9:59pm

I switched off the phone and plopped it on the counter. "I'm finna go take a bath." I said to my aunt who just walked into the kitchen. "When you done, come eat. Made some Chicken Alfredo." She said. I nodded at her and walked to my room. Yes I have my own room here since I used to live here before I got my apartment.

End of the Lani mission. Back to Lamar and Onika.

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