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{Published 2Novemeber2024}
{Edited 25January2025}


Lola Brinks//Lani

Another day of boredom. Another day of just lumping in my aunt's house caz I don't got better shit to do. I heard a knock on the door and my aunt entered.

"Hey." She sighed as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Hm." I nodded as I went back to what I was looking at on my phone. "How are you?" She asked. "In what way?" I asked still looking at my phone.

"Mentally, physically? How are you?"

"I don't know actually. Especially with the fact that you knew my sperm donor was alive all along." I rolled my eyes. Remember when I said my father died, yea well guess I was wrong. He has actually been alive and well all this time.

When I was seventeen, I was informed that one of my family members was in a terrible underground club fire in Queens. The officers called me to come identify the body since I was in Queens for something totally different. How did they find me? Ion know but I agreed to it. The body was slightly burnt and bruised. As soon as I saw the body, I thought it was him... only to find out now that it was a doppelganger and the fire was planned by my father.

How did I find out he was still alive, well I know my father's full government name so when I heard my aunt on a phone call saying his full name, I knew he was still alive. Luca Deiondre Prince. Shit ass man. Looks similar to my aunt and I, Dippa looking like his mother. She explained that she didn't want me to know because she knew I would go out to find him and that's what I'm planning on doing.

"Lola you and I both know you don't want anything to do with him. I was doing my best for you to not find out so that you don't think of doing something stupid like going out to kill him." She said sternly. "Hm so you know that's what I'm planning on doing." I said.

"No shit. Look putting yourself out on the line there ain't finna do you no good because if any of the other sixies find you, it's over." She said. The sixies consist of six people. My father, he's best friend, my aunt, Dippa, Rugrat and Me. We are the only six people from the Hidden Ravens with the spiral tattoo, representing the heads of HR. The most dangerous out of the whole gang.

"It's already game over now doe. They getting closer to us and they know stuff. They know where we is and you still in contact of him." I said with rage. "He's my brother Lani and he calls me on unknown numbers. Sometimes I never know whether it's him or not." She reasoned.

"So...what if he's your brother? Last time I checked blood ain't always thicker than water and I had to learn that the hard fuckin' way!" I shouted. I was just loosing my temper all over again for no reason.

"I understand where you coming from and I understand why you acting like this. I don't blame you especially with all the shit the people around you has put you through." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice. "Goddamnit. Whatever, do what you want." I said ready to walk out the room but she pulled me back.

"Lani stop this. Why you acting like this?" She as she held my arm.

"What you mean? All these years I fuckin' thought this nigga's dead but actually he wasn't. For years, I thought I didn't have any other blood family accept for Dippa. For years I was broken and still am. Is like all the effort I fucking put into getting back up was for no reason. For years I was living in grief, guilt, trauma. For years I was living with an unhappy mindset and still is. Just as I was starting to fucking feel happy, just when I thought I could actually have feelings for someone, just when I thought I could live in peace, the sixies are still here. All alive and steady. Onika went through shit because I couldn't stop Dippa when I had the chance. My mother is dead, my father is somehow alive, you is here, Dippa is out and coming in hot. Everyone is breaking me more. Blood doesn't fucking run thicker than water because when I needed my blood family, y'all weren't there. Y'all weren't fuckin there for me." I cried as I screamed in my aunt's face. She was frozen in place. She looked so hurt by my words. Fuck...

She pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help it, I broke down. This was all the emotions and bricks I was holding all this whole time.

"Why is it that everytime I'm starting to feel happy, bad news just keeps popping up. I don't know whys this is affecting me so much. Maybe it's just the fact of me not having a relationship with my father or mother. Or the fact that I never got to actually sit down and talk to any of them." I said softly as I stopped crying.

"Hey, hey. I understand how you feel. I never got the chance to talk to my dad too. My mom was a goddamn crazy ass motherfucking crackhead. Till this day, I still wonder why he left us but that's besides the point. You have been through a lot and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such an ass aunty. I'm sorry for not being there for you. You are such a strong young woman. One who's been through a lot and has been holding in for so long. You deserve happiness. You deserve to find love. You deserve to live in peace without any regrets. You deserve to be set free and I'm so sorry for never noticing it sooner. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you all those years. I'm so so sorry. Lani please forgive me. Forgive me for being such a terrible, terrible aunt." She said with tears.

She too was broken and hurting. She too was living exactly as I was living and I didn't notice it. She too was broken and I am just being selfish right now. I didn't notice that she is just like me.

"Fuck it." I hugged her tightly. We hugged and cried in eachother's arms. Two broken souls.

For a few minutes of silence, I spoke. "Pooter might know I'm the one who went on that assassination." I said.


"He said and I quote, those eyes, they look very familiar." I said.

"So he might be able to tell that it was you."

"Yes, since I have three beauty marks under my eyes." I sighed. "When was the last time you saw him?"

"The day of the assassination." I said. "They on to me. What should I do if they find out? Or what should I do if he confronts me first." I asked.

"I'm not really sure but we'll figure it out, okay? Hang on there." She smiled at me.

Oooooo things starting to get serious. If you can already tell, the story is nearing to its end, but not now tho😕😉

Next chapter is about Tai and Lani❤️🎀


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