Chapter 1

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The bus rattled along the winding road, its wheels crunching over the gravel as it navigated through the dense forest. I stared out of the window, my thoughts a whirlwind of excitement and nervousness. I had never been in Gravity Falls before, and my only connection to this quirky little town was through my friend, Mabel Pines. The two of us met online a few years ago, bonding over our mutual love of arts and crafts, and had kept in touch ever since.

When my parents decided to extend their stay in Italy over the holidays, they had reluctantly agreed to let me spend the time with someone who could look after me. After some convincing, they approved my stay with Mabel, her twin brother Dipper and her great uncle Stan, whom I had only heard about in Mabel's colourful and enthusiastic emails as well as letters.

The bus hit a small bump, jolting me out of my thoughts. I adjusted the strap of my backpack and glanced at my phone. No new messages from Mabel, but the last one she sent was full of exclamation points and excitement about my arrival. I couldn't help but smile. Mabel's energy was infectious, even through text. I wondered what it would be like to meet her in person finally. Would she be just as bubbly and cheerful as she seemed online? I sure was about to find out.

The bus slowed down as it approached the small, rustic bus station of Gravity Falls. The sign welcoming the visitors was hand-painted, with quirky, mismatched lettering that seemed to perfectly capture the essence of the town I had heard so much about. The bus came to a halt with a hiss, and I stood up, grabbing my bags from the overhead compartment.

Stepping off the bus, I took a deep breath of the crisp, pine-scented air. It was a refreshing change from the more urban atmosphere of Richland. I scanned the place, searching for a familiar face.

"Y/N! Over here!", a cheerful voice called out. I turned to see a girl with long brown hair wearing a colourful sweater and a wide grin. It was Mabel, exactly as I had imagined her. She waved enthusiastically, bouncing on her toes with excitement.

"Mabel!", I called back, waving as I hurried over, my bags weighing me down. As soon as I reached her, she enveloped me in a tight hug.
"It's so great to finally meet you in person!", Mabel said, pulling back to look at me. "You look just like your pictures, but even cooler!"

"Thanks, Mabel. It's amazing to meet you too.", I replied, grinning. "This place is even prettier than I imagined."
"Oh, you have no idea!", Mabel laughed. "Come on, Grunkle Stan is waiting at the car. We'll drop your stuff off at the Mystery Shack and then I'll give you the grand tour."

She grabbed one of my bags and started leading the way. I followed her through the small parking lot to an old, beat-up car where a gruff-looking man in a fez and a suit jacket was leaning against the door. He looked up as we approached, his stern expression softening slightly.

"So, you're the famous Y/N.", he said, extending a hand. "Name's Stanford Pines, but you can call me just Stan like everyone else."
"Nice to meet you, Mr Pines— I mean, Stan.", I replied, shaking his hand. His grip was firm, and I could see a hint of a smile under his gruff exterior.

"Alright, let's get your stuff loaded and head back to the Shack.", Stan said, taking my bag and tossing it into the trunk. "Mabel's been bouncing off the walls all morning waiting for you."

I climbed into the back seat, Mabel sliding in beside me, still chattering excitedly about all the things she wanted to show me. The car started with a sputter, and we were off, winding through the forested roads of Gravity Falls.

As we drove, I took in the sights. The town was small but charming, with quaint shops and colourful buildings. I could see why Mabel loved it here. After a few minutes, the car turned onto a dirt road leading up to a large, ramshackle building with a sign that read "Mystery Shack" in bold letters. The place looked like something out of a storybook, with its eclectic decorations and slightly crooked structure.

"Welcome to the Mystery Shack!", Mabel announced as the car came to a stop. "Home of mysteries, oddities, and now, our awesome holiday adventures!"
I got out of the car, taking a moment to appreciate the odd charm of this place. Stan and Mabel helped me with my luggage, leading me up the steps and through the creaky front door. Inside, the Shack was filled with all sorts of bizarre items and strange decorations, exactly as I had imagined from Mabel's descriptions.

"You like it?", Mabel asked, practically skipping towards the entrance. "Just wait until you see the inside."
"We'll show you to your room.", Stan said, leading the way up a narrow staircase. "It's not much, but it's got a bed and four walls."
I followed him up to a small, rustic and a bit worn room with wooden walls and ceiling beams, giving it a cozy, cabin-like

It was simple, but it felt welcoming.

To the right, there was a long, brown couch with a blanket casually draped over one end and a green cushion on the other, providing a spot to relax. A lamp with a green shade stood next to the couch, offering some additional light for reading. Against the far wall, a wooden sideboard or dresser held various knick-knacks, bottles and books. Some cobwebs hung from the ceilings and corners.
A small table near the sideboard held more odd items. There was also a door to the left that led to a bathroom, and a clock on the wall above it kept track of time, though it seemed a bit off-kilter, much like everything else in the Shack.

"This is perfect, thank you.", I said, setting my bags down. "I can't wait to see more of the Shack."
"And you will!", Mabel exclaimed. "But first, let's get you settled in. Then we'll have some lunch and I'll give you a tour."

After unpacking a few essentials, I followed Mabel back downstairs to the kitchen. The air was filled with the delicious smell of something cooking, and my stomach growled in anticipation. I realised I hadn't eaten much on my way here.
Stan was at the stove, stirring a pot of what looked like chili.
"Hope you like chili.", he said, glancing over his shoulder. "It's one of the few things I can cook without burning down the Shack."
"Chili sounds great.", I chuckled, taking a seat at the table. Mabel joined, her eyes still sparkling with excitement.

As I ate, I listened to Mabel recount some of her favourite stories about Gravity Falls. From gnome kidnapping to time-travelling adventures, it was clear that this town was anything but ordinary indeed, although I couldn't really believe everything she was saying. Stan chimed in occasionally with his own dry humour, and I found myself feeling right at home already.

After lunch, Mabel practically dragged me through the Shack, showing me every quirky detail and oddity. Even the living room was filled with strange artefacts and curiosities, and the gift shop was stocked with all sorts of bizarre souvenirs.

"This is where the real magic happens." Entering her own bedroom, Mabel pulled out a series of books filled with cryptic notes and sketches. "These are my brother Dipper's journals.", she explained. "He found them this summer and they're filled with all sorts of secrets about Gravity Falls."
I flipped through one of the journals, fascinated by the detailed drawings and mysterious entries. "This looks amazing, Mabel. Your brother sounds like quite the mystery hunter."
"He is.", Mabel said proudly. "He's at a friend's house right now. But he's super excited to meet you when he gets back."

I spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the Shack and getting to know Mabel and Stan better. By the time evening rolled around, I felt like I had known them for much longer than a day. It was just so easy to connect with them.

As I lay in bed that night, listening to the quiet and calming sounds of the forest outside, I couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. If Gravity Falls truly was full of mysteries and adventures, I was ready to dive right into them. And with Mabel by my side, I was sure that this holiday season was going to be unforgettable.

Uncertainty - Stanford Pines x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now