Chapter 5

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Vector, Charmy and Espio were at Chaotix Detective Agency, Seaside City.

"...And Sonic is infected too? Sheesh. Thanks for the intel, Tails." Vector said.

"That sounded serious. What's the situation?" Espio said

"Details are sketchy, but it sounds like Eggman is back, and he's using some kind of goo to turn folks into zombie-robots." Vector said while Charmy rode on the fan. "Sonic got infected by one of these "Zombots" and has to stay on the move to keep her infection in check."

"That sounds spooky! Are they coming for us?" Charmy asked.

"We can't rule out the possibility of-" Espio started but was cut off.

"The world's a big place. I'm sure we're fine." Vector said.

"What we need to worry about is our next client, who could step through that door any second!" he said and the door was kicked open by a group of Zombots.

Espio threw his weapon at them but it bounced right off.

"No effect...?!" he said surprised.

"D-don't worry, Espio! I'll protect us!" Charmy said and started to fly but Vector grabbed him and stopped him.

"Don't! You can't touch 'em! That's how the infection spreads!" Vector said. "I'm callin' a tactical retreat! Out the back, boys! We'll hide-" he said and they went outside. "- In the city." he said watching what was happening and pointed up to the ship. "Up there! That has to be Eggman's new Flagship!"

"I'm sorry, guys. I don't think I can fly us up there..." Charmy said.

"Appreciate the thought, Charmy." Vector said and took a Stop sign. "For now, let's head downtown and see what we can do!" he said and hit someone in the face then hit his headphones. "Vector to Amy Rose! Do you copy?"

At Restoration HQ.

"So much paperwork... Why did I agree to this..?" Amy said then someone walked in.

"Miss Rose? An urgent call for you from Vector." they said.

"Oh, now what...?"

"Seaside City just got hit by Eggman! There's Zombots everywhere!" Vector said.

"Oh, no! I'll send a rescue shuttle right away!"

"We need back-up! Can you send Sonic? Anyone?"

"I'll put out a call to everyone in the area. hopefully Sonic will hear, or someone will see her." she said. "Be careful."

Back with The Chaotix.

"Well?" Espio asked.

"Helps on the way, but who knows how much or how soon." Vector said. "We're on our own, boys."

"What's the plan? What's the plan?!" Charmy asked.

"Hrm... Looks like the plants can get infected too. So getting survivors out of the city isn't necessarily safer..." Vector said. "Getting them down to the docks is our only option."

"But that's putting our backs to the sea. There's nowhere to escape to!" Espio said.

"Nowhere is safe, Espio. And at least with the docks we can create choke points." Vector said. "It's the best defensible position we've got." he said. "Split up! Find survivors and send 'em to the boardwalk! Keep the Zombots busy, but don't touch 'em! Got it?"

"Got it!" Espio said.

"All right! Three! Two! One!" Vector said and they put their hands together.

"TEAM CHAOIX!" they said together and got to work.

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