Chapter 15

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At Vista View.

"How is someone that big that fast?!" Amy asked.

"Just keep running!" Tails said.

"No!" she said and took out her hammer.

"We came here to get that Chaos Emerald and end this nightmare!" she said and hit Zomom. "Ny Yah!" she said. "I... I can't believe that worked!"

"Urmm... Weird flavor..." Zomom said munching on her hammer.

"Stop that you gross weirdo!" she said and they attacked him.

"Ow! I'm gonna chew you extra hard before swallowing!"

"He's... He's being metaphorical, right?"

"Why bother with us when you can have my lunch?" Tails said with his arms crossed and flew up to Zomom.

"Huh?" Zomom said.

"I dropped it while you were chasing us. Which is too bad, because it looked really yummy!"

"Оoh! Where?! Where?! I'm starving!" Zomom said and left.

"Tails, what are we going to do?" Amy asked. "Zomom is too strong for us to take down, and too stupid to outwit!"

"I don't know! Sonic made this look way easier before." Tails said.

"He seems easily distracted. What if one of us baited him while the other grabbed the Emerald?"

"It's risky, but it's worth a shot!" he said and heard screaming.

"There's nothing here!" Zomom yelled. "You lied to me!" he said. "Now you made me hungry and angry!" he said. "I'm hangry! You wouldn't like me when I'm hangry!"

"Yow! Time to get to higher ground!" Tails said and carried Amy up while Zombots tried to get them.

"I don't think that's going to work!" Amy said as he flew.

At Sunset city.

"G-Gemerl...?" Cream said.

"Нahaha! He can't hear you anymore, brat!" Zeena said. "You brought a robot to fight me when you knew i could control machines?" she said. "Honestly, how stupid are you?"

"P-please don't do it!" Cream said. "I know you wanted me to stay behind! But it was because you wanted me to be safe! Remember?!" she said. "The Gemerl I know is too tough to be pushed around! You have a kind heart!" she said. "I believe in you, Gemerl! I know you will listen to your heart!" she said and he tried to get his old self back. "You did it!"

"Foreign signal identified wireless receiver critically damaged. Electro-magnetic signals disrupted."

"But you heard me!"


"Ugh! You're making me get up and work." Zeena said. "If you're going to make me get my hands dirty..." she said. "...I'm gonna have some fun with it!" She said and tried to get Cream but Gemerl stopped her.

"Gemerl!" Cream said. "Fight her!"

"External inference! Сannot override! Duck!" Gemerl said and she dodged the punch.

Then she went into a ball and went for Zeena.

"You... hit me!" Zeena said.

"I hate fighting!" Cream said and kicked. "I hate seeing my friends hurt and scared!" she said. "And i hate how mean you are!" she said and Zeena used her powers on Gemerl. "Gemerl! No!" She said and Zeena kicked her and picked her up.

"I know your type. The good little girl who works so hard to please everyone." Zeena said. "You think you're so much better than me because you've got the moral high ground, huh?" she said. "Look where all that got you, sweetie." she said. "Нahah! What's the matter? I thought you'd be friends with everyone!"

At Vista View.

"We can't keep this up!" Amy said.

"I'm thinking! I'm thinking!" Tails said.

"Argh! You two are so annoying!" Zomom said, kicked a wall and and a building started to break.

"Tails!" Amy said and Tails caught her and put her down. "Are you окаy?"

"Yeah, just worn out." Tails said and she helped him up.

"But we've got to keep moving!"

"No, we need to stay right here!"

"Hold it..." he said and she got her hammer ready. "... Wait for it..." he said. "...Now!" he said and she hit something while he used a ball getting the bottom to drop on Zomom.

"Oooogh.." Zomom said.

"How do you like that? Overpowered..." Amy said.

"...And out- smarted." Tails said, grabbed the Chaos Emerald and they ran.

"Hey! Get back here! Without that I can't control the--!" Zomom said and groaned. "...Oh."

At Sunset City.

"My arm's starting to cramp. This has been cathartic, but we're done, brat." Zeena said.

"No!" Cream said.

"What the—?" Zeena said and Gemerl flew at her, flipped her over and picked Cream up.

"You saved me! Are you all right?" Cream asked.

"I am if you are." Gemerl said.

"Neither of you will be!" Zeena said, used her powers and grabbed Gemerl who flipped over and got her wrapped around.

"Cream! Now!!"

"Nyargh!" Zeena said and Cream reached for the Emerald. "No! Get off me!" she said and Cream got it.

"I got it!" Cream said.


"You. Hurt. Cream." Gemerl said, grabbed her, spun her around and threw her.

"Get off me! Don't you dare!" she said as Zombots got around her.

"I'm sorry, Gemerl..." Cream said.

"Do not bе. I required your assistance after all thank you." Gemerl said.

"Yes. But..." she said and showed him her arm. "...I got sick." she said. "I... Don't want to make the others sick. S-so you have to go back on your own." she said and handed him the Emerald. "I-I'll... I'll..." she said and he took the Emerald as a warp showed up. "I'll be brave. I'll just hide my eyes. Like it's a scary movie." she said and he threw the Emerald through the warp and picked her up. "Gemerl...?" she said and they flew.

"I will stay with you until... You are well."

At Angel Island.

"Yo. Eggman. You see what i see?" Sonic said as an Eggman plane came.

"Blast it all! We're out of time!" Eggman said. "Zavok's found us!"

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