Day 2

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~~The next morning~~

Yn's pov:

The next day I woke up to newt with his finger on his lips telling me to be quiet so I did. I stayed quiet and followed him into the forest which everyone calls the deadheads because there is a graveyard in the back corner.

He showed a wall full of names and said when I remembered mine I could put mine there as well. I just gave him a look to say why would I do that. He must have seen the look because he said that it was a symbol that we are all family and should respect each other. I just let out a breath and said "can we go back now" newt just looked at me and said "you would love gally you both have attitude problems" whilst laughing. I just walked away and used my hands as puppets and mimicked him and his accident when I heard twigs snapping and laughing coming from the bushes Minho, Jeff and Alby where all laughing at me and newt so I just stormed off to gally to complain.

"Gally!!" Was all I screamed before he came running with a few other boys asking what he did wrong. I just sighed and said "you didn't do anything wrong but those shuckfaces over there are being mean to me" what did they say was all he said before they came running over. I just looked hurt and said I am going to quote newt by the way "you would love gally you both have attitude problems" that was enough for gally to storm up to Newt and fake cry whilst looking hurt.

~~Time skip~~

It was dinner time fry was giving out everyone's food. I just sat at a bench myself when Kolby came over. "Hi could I sit with you" "sure as long as you are not annoying"
I said. He just laughed "you know newt was right you do have attitude problems" I just kicked him and said "you seem familiar do I know you" He just smiled and hugged me I heard him muttering under his breath. Then he said "I-i T-think you might be my sister."

After my conversation with Kolby I climbed a tree and thought about how we figured we were siblings. The sun was setting and it was beautiful that's when Kolby shouted "Yn its time for bed" I looked confused for a second then it clicked my name was yn. I just screamed "MY NAME IS YN!!" I also realized I was Scottish and from the Highlands. Alby came running shouting is something wrong because we heard screaming. Kolby answered for me "she's ok she remembers her name and what her accent is" Alby just replied with " well are you gonna tell me" I jumped out the tree and told him how I used to live in the Scottish Highlands and my name was yn. He was amazed at how quickly I remembered.

The next thing I know he dragged me to the wall of names and made me crave mine. "Obliviously mine is the neatest" I said and ran to my hammock for the night and let the    dark void of sleep consume me.

~~Authors note:~~

I don't think there will be a note on them all this one is just a sorry that this chapter is this small.

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