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Yn pov

The doors opened and I walked out when a group of people flung themselves onto me. "Ahhh" I screamed because of the fright I got which caused my seven favourite people (Milly, Alby, Jeff, Newt, Gally, Kolby Minho) to run up and grab me. "Hey" is said in such a casual voice.

They all started to talk at the same time so I just said I met Aris by the way which shut them up. "Who" Newt said "her friend from before the maze, Newt catch up" snapped Milly. "Milly has become sassy and has also got your attitude so watch out" Said Minho.

Third pov

Was all that was heard before a bit of wall fell. "Watch out" Alby screamed then the rest came tumbling down to reveal another glade.

Yns pov

Did this happen because of the button? Then I saw about Twelve people walking towards us I recognized one. That one being Aris but the rest were all girls. "Aris" I screamed then he came running towards us and introduced himself then two girls came running over. "Milly, Kolby" the brunette said. "Yn, Minho , Gally" said the blonde.

"Milly care to introduce us" said the blonde one. "Of course" screamed Milly. So you guys where in maze B you know who we all are don't you. "Yes, but they can't remember us" replied the brunette. "Guys the blonde one is Sonya" she told everyone and whispered something in Newt's ear which made him chuckle. "And the brunette is Harriet, she used to date Kolby."

Newts pov

When the girls said some names we were all shocked so one of the girls said "Milly care to introduce us" that was the blonde one. "Of course" screamed Milly. "So you guys where in maze B you know you we all are don't you". She asked/ stated to the girls "Yes, but they can't remember us" replied the brunette. "Guys the blonde one is Sonya" she told everyone and whispered In my ear that Sonya was my sister and she goes out with Minho but Gally and yn is her best friends which made me chuckle. "And the brunette is Harriet, she used to date Kolby."

"So we used to all be in the same friend group" I asked slightly confused. "Yes" replied Sonya. "So just to be sure Kolby, yn and Milly are siblings. Me and yn used to date. Sonya is my sister who dated Minho and was best friends with Gally and yn. Harriet used to date Kolby and Aris & yn have telepathy" I said with confusion written all over my face. "Yes" replied Milly.

Then yn asked how we all knew about her and Aris and the telepathy thing. We all just pointed at Milly and Minho who just looked at the ground, ynn ran up and hugged both of them and to be honest I was jealous. But she turned around and gave me a hug and a quick kiss and said "how about we try being boyfriend girlfriend" I just stood there looking shocked when Sonya answered for me saying "of course he will then we can be sister in laws when we are older" we all started laughing.

Yns pov

It felt good being with my friends again our memories were slowly coming back and making more along the way. Then when we looked back at the bit where the wall used to be. It was fully gone and looked nice all the bricks from it in a nice we bundle for the builders to use later.

I was so glad we were reunited with each other and Milly is happy I just hope this could be the rest of our lives. Happy, joyful, meaningful. We all needed each other right now whether we admit it or not.

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