The scorch

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Yn pov

After my speech to Thomas I have been really quiet. The truth is I don't feel well but I don't want to worry anyone. We walked for about two hours until we came to an abandoned shopping center. "Guys look" Milly said pointing at the building we all walked up to and I walked in first then said you guys can come in it is clear. As soon as everyone came in we were all separated looking for different things. Teresa, Minho and thomas all walked off to see something about how big the place was. Kolby, Jack and Gally walked off to find food. They all walked of and left me, Milly and Newt ourselves so we walked over to the clothes section and got a spare outfit for everyone and I found a medical box which I kept and put into my bag for safe keeping until we heard screaming.

I looked to where the screaming came from and saw Minho, Thomas and Teresa running towards us saying run that's when I heard gentle breathes behind me. I slowly turned around and saw a wee girl who only looked like she was four. "Guys we have to run, NOW" I screamed as I picked up the wee girl and ran. Newt was running with Milly in his arms.

When we got out of the building I knelt on the ground and asked the girl "what is your name, how old are you and why are you alone" "well my name is Lilly, I am five and my parents got attacked by those cranks  so I just hid" we all just stared at her blankly  before she added "they are attracted to the light so who ever turned on the lights is one horrible person, who are you guys any way? And can I join you guys?" Everyone just looked like they saw a ghost so I just replied with "well I am yn this is newt my boyfriend, this is Milly my sister, Kolby my brother, Minho and Gally my best friends, Thomas and Jack they are both quite nice once you get to know them and then their is Teresa" Lilly just started laughing and said "I guess you don't like her" which made everyone laugh apart from Teresa.

*Next morning*

"Guys get up we have to move before it gets to warm." So there was no arguments. Everyone just got up and started packing as soon as they finished we all started walking we all took turns of holding Milly and Lilly apart from Teresa. She said she didn't like kids and there was a resemblance between Lilly and newt.

"Newt give me Milly you look really sick" I heard Minho say from in front of me. "No Minho I am fine honestly" newt replied "newt give Milly to Minho I also think we should rest we have been walking for eight hours today and I still don't see a building to rest at." "We could lay under the stars" Lilly said in her sleepy tone because she just woke up. "Alright we are stargazing tonight also let's make a mini fire" Gally said full of enjoyment.

After we made the fire we all sat around it but Teresa who said she was too tired and Thomas who went to see if she was ok. Milly and Lilly were falling asleep on me and newts arms. Then all of a sudden I sprung up of the log I was sitting on, passed Lilly to Gally and ran behind a huge rock that was two seconds away and threw up. I realized that I really wasn't well and I had to tell someone.

Newts pov

Yn just sprung up and sprinted to the rock Minho just looked at me and stood up and said you coming so I passed Milly to Jack. We started walking away when Kolby ran up to us and said where is my invite so we all walked up to the rock but stopped on the other side of it to give yn privacy. "Are you alright, love" I asked her but she didn't reply she just continued being sick.

I told the other two to go back to the fire we will be there soon so they left just leaving yn and me. "So your sick as well" I said trying to make conversation "well you don't say" she said in her usual cheeky tone. "Come on love we better get back"

Yn pov

After me and newt came back to the fire Gally and Jack both said they were tired so they we over to their blankets and went to sleep. I walked over to put Milly and Lilly to bed when I heard Teresa say "do you trust her, you know yn" "with my life" he responded. I waited a minute then walked over to put the girls to bed then walked back over to Minho, Newt and kolby. "Where is Winston" I asked no one in particular "he got tired so he went to bed" Minho replied Kolby looked so bored so I said "let's play truth or dare". "Alright" said Newt "ok" Kolby replied and Minho just gave a big grin.

"I am going to go first then just go clockwise so then Kolby, Newt then lastly ynn." "Ok" I said.

"Kolby, truth or dare" (Minho) "dare" "I dare you to do a backflip" "easy" "Newt truth or dare" (Kolby) "dare" "kiss ynn" "No I am not well, not gonna happen" I was saying before newt cut me off with a kiss" "yn truth or dare" (Newt) "truth" "why did you not tell us you were sick" "I didn't want to worry yous" "Minho Truth or dare" "Dare" "I dare you to go kiss Gally until he wakes up" Minho actually got up and kissed Gally until Gally pushed him and asked what on earth he was doing. He just responded "ask yn it was her dare" then he came back over. "Right I think we should all go to sleep now" I said then we all went to bed.


Director- Action
Teresa- do you trust her, you know yn
Thomas- with my life
Yn- you know I am here
Director- cut

Director- Action
Yn- do I need to be sick
Director- yes
Newt & Minho- do we need to go over
Kolby- yeah do I need to I could just watch Milly and Lilly
Director- Cut, just stick with what you have been told

Director- Action
Kolby- Newt truth or dare
Newt- dare
Kolby- kiss ynn
Yn- No I am not well, not gonna happen
*Newt kisses yn*
Kolby- Cut
*Everyone laughs apart from yn and newt*
Yn- it is not funny this is the tenth time we have done this scene

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