Lights out

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Ivy couldn't believe anything that was happening to her as they stood in the elevator in silence.

She watched from the corner of her eyes the same man that had turned her world upside down, the one she'd loved with all of her heart.

He was right here again, and she was still feeling the same fluttering heart that she'd had all those years ago.

They arrived to his room and he helped her in.

"We're here," he said.

She nodded, taking her bags from him.

"I wanted to-" they both said at the same time.

"You go first," he encouraged.

"What is it?" She frowned at him, "speak."

He bowed his head and closed his eyes, "Ivy I'm so sorry, I've been an asshole."

"For a lot of things, yeah." She frowned, folding her arms across her chest.

"I don't mean the things I did in the past."

Her eyebrows furrowed together.

"It's just, I saw you after six years and I couldn't contain myself, I became all touchy, treating things like time didn't pass, I'm a complete stranger to you now, and I know how bad I hurt you, and how much changed in those six years but I still disrespected you, forcing you to want me too, without even thinking about how much damage I caused to you."

Ivy was shocked.

"I promise you, none of that will happen anymore, I'm glad you're doing so well Ivy, you deserve it and more, I'll never cross another boundary against your will, I'm sorry."

There was nothing but silence.

He ran his fingers through his hair, "please say something."

"Where's the bathroom?"

"Oh?" He blinked at her, "it's over there," he pointed at the door.

"I'll be in there, taking a shower."

"S-sure thing Ivy."

She took a towel and her night gown out of her bags, laying it on her bed, heading into the bathroom.

"I never loved Kira, if I didn't go ahead with the wedding, you'd have gotten hurt and-"

"Dominic, please save it, I'm not interested in your life, the choices you made, or why you made them, I'm here for a good night's sleep."

He nodded in understanding.

"The water's already warm, I know you love warm showers when it's raining," he added as she disappeared into the bathroom.

Once she was alone behind the locked bathroom door, Ivy pressed one hand to her chest, gasping for air.

"Get yourself together, why are you letting yourself get affected by his words?" She tried to catch her breath.

She shook her head, just staring at him was enough to remind her of all the things they used to do, alone in that office, behind closed doors...

How was she going to survive a night with him?

"I swear Avril, I'll kill you when I get back."

She slipped her clothes over her head, trying not to think too much about him.

She stepped into the shower, letting the water cool her off from all the stress that had accompanied today.

She was barely minutes into her shower when she noticed the lights turn off.

Startled, she called out, "Dominic? Did you turn the lights off?" She asked in a panic.

"No," his deep voice called back, "I think there's a problem with the hotel's power supply?"

"What? Isn't this supposed to be some luxury bullshit?"

"I'll check in with the room service? Are you okay in there?"

"Yeah I'm fine," she said, trying to find the shower head so she could rinse the soap away from her face.

"Shit, shit," she panicked as the soap seeped into her eyes, stinging as hell. Now it was harder to find a way to turn the water on.

"Fuck, what's in this soap?!" She panicked, her eyes burning in ways she couldn't explain.

"Are you okay?" Dom's worried voice called, his slight knock on the door.

Ivy tried to step closer to the tap head, almost losing her balance, she let out a scream.

"I swear if this how I die, I'd hate to be known as the woman who hit her head on the bathroom tiles trying to find water." She mumbled to her self.

Her panicked scream had propelled Dom to burst into the bathroom, his heart racing as he hurried to her.

She stepped forward, unaware of his presence, slipping again and completely losing her balance.

She let out a scream as she tilted backwards, waiting on her fall.

Dom caught her naked body in time, stopping her from crashing to the floor.

"Are you okay?" He asked, taking heavy breaths as he stared down at her.

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