An Elite Club

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"What are you talking about?" Ivy tried to maintain a calm voice, she knew that he would easily see behind her if she didn't.

"You had him around the time you left... He's my son, isn't he, Ivy?"

By now eyes were drawing to their conversation and people were staring curiously.

"You're going to need to let go of her." John pulled her from his grip but he didn't budge, "get your bullshit out of here Dom Harding, you still haven't changed."

"Who is she to you?" Dom frowned, "why do you keep coming on dates with him?"

"Can't you put two and two together or are you just fucking slow?" John said.

"He's my fiancee." Ivy said.

Dom's face went pale and washed free from all the colours.

He let go of her in shock, "there's no way."

"Yes he is, and I'll advice you to take your leave or I won't take things lightly with you."

"You heard her, I left you the last time because I know how dangerous you can be, but two times is going over the limit Dom, leave or we call the fucking security on you."

Dom's heart shattered. Not John of all people.

"You are a public figure Dom, you can put your brand image on the line but Ivy's brand is known for never having any scandals, put your selfish ass behind you for once and think about others."

John pulled her to his side, snaking his hand under her waist.

Dom was speechless, he stared at John's hand with poison in his eyes.

He turned to look at Ivy one more time but she avoided his gaze. He turned around and took his leave.

"Thank you for doing that for me," Ivy pulled away from his grip, "I'm sorry to put you in such a tight position."

"Are you kidding? Your fiance, that's the biggest honor, and especially in front of Dom Harding? That's a flex, I better put it on my resume."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "you know who Dom is?"

"Just business relationships in the past."

She nodded.

"I'm so sorry our second date got ruined like this."

"It's not your fault, you seem like you need the rest, you should take a break, we will do this some other time."

"Thank you so much for understanding."

"Of course, always."


"Why do you look so pale?"

Avril asked , she was staying over for a few days.

"I didn't tell you something that happened last night." Ivy started to say.

"What are you talking about?"

"I slept with Dom in the same hotel room."

"What?!" Avril shouted on top of her voice.

"Remember the CEO you wanted me to meet, it was Dom, I was so shocked that I got too drunk at my date with John, I don't know how but I ended up in Dom's hotel room..." She said, "naked."

Avril plastered one hand over her mouth, jaw dropped, "stop... Did you two..."


They both flinched at Dalton's voice as he came into the living room from his bedroom.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I had a dreams."

"Aww come share it with me." She smiled, holding him in her hands.

"I had a daddy." He said.

"What?!" Ivy panicked, staring at Avril in shock.

"He was so sweet mommy."

"It's just a dream baby, I told you..."

"I know, you said daddy is no more with us, I wish I had a daddy like my friends."

Ivy's heart was hurt, she simply rocked him back to sleep.

After setting him in bed she joined Avril in the living room.

"So what are you going to do now?" Avril asked.

"I don't know, I'm not sure."

"We'll figure it out."

"Are you okay?"

"I think so." She sighed.

She flinched at her ringing phone.

"It's a call from John."

She put it to her ear.

"I know the perfect way for you to pay me back," he started to say, "a business friend of mine is launching his club tonight, come be my date, it will help you clear your mind."

"I really don't want to go tonight." She shook her head.

"Come on, it's an elite club." John persisted, "it will be less chaotic."

"Okay just because I owe you."

"I'll text you the address."

"I have no choice but to go, will you watch Dalton again?"

"Of course."


She had put on a mini gown that showed off half of her tits.

She sat at the table arranged for them where John was with a few other of his friends.

"Wow Ivy you look like a goddess!" John was amazed.

There was nothing but music, dancing and drinking on the dance floor.

"I'm so grateful that you honored my invite." John said.

"Sorry I'm late," a familiar voice said before joining them on the table.

Ivy almost wanted the ground to open up and consume her.

"Oh God why is he here?" She panicked, asking John who looked equally shocked.

"I had no idea he was invited here or that this was his table either."

Dom paused, shocked to see Ivy here. His seat was right next to hers while John sat across from her.

He hated the sight of them being here together.

"I need to go to the bathroom," she sighed.

She went in there and washed her face multiple times, "Ivy you worked hard to get here, stop letting him revolve around you, he's only here temporarily and until then I only need to stay strong."

She walked out of the bathroom only to bump into none other than Dom. Her heart raced spiked even further.

She took steps backwards but he still followed her in, eventually cornering her back to a wall, trapping her against his body.

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