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━━━ ❛ this is just a start

SOTT ████ BOOK ONE━━━ ❛ this is just a start ❜

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chapter no. 002!
november 28, 2017

     THE ROOM WAS STILL EMPTY. Considering the fact that Yasmin was able to get at least a shelf crowded made it a miracle. They'd been moved into the house for three years already, the way her mother states it is that she should already have a room fully unpacked of personal possessions. They'd moved to Queens for reasons of being endangered. They'd no idea of what the danger was, but it was there.

     The 15 year-old girl stared at her packed boxes and twiddled her fingers against the soccer shirt. "Yasmin! I thought you were supposed to unpack? Come on," Chaselynn sighed in defeat. She pulled her firstborn up and began unpacking a package, "What's going on with you? It's like you're in a depression state, ever since we moved here you've been— it's because we moved here isn't it?"

     "Fuck off my life, mom," Yasmin grumbled with deep crimson flushing her cheeks. She herself dove into a box of comic books on Batman. Chaselynn frowned, smacking her head in return, "Sorry, sorry. Just— it's like my existence is your entire world."

     "Your dad would've hit you up straight for that comment," Chaselynn warned her in return.

     "Well, dad is never home. So I really don't see the point," she grumbled. Her anger for her father was sincere, he never saw her grow up. It hurt her every time her father was invited to a school event and never appeared.

      Chaselynn sighed, placing down a frame of her two girls with their dad. "He has a busy job. I know it's difficult. How about—"

     "Nothing is going to fix his mistakes, mom. I hate Queens, I hate how he made us move here without telling us why. It isn't— I— it isn't right," Yasmin shrugged in dismay. Chaselynn understood her anger, how the young girl stopped caring that he was never
around after Judia was born.

     "Mom, our neighbor is here," Judia grumbled into the bedroom, "between us, she looks sick, so cool. It's actually freaky..." The two other females stared at each other with grins and followed her out. In the living area was the red headed female. The familiar pale girl grinned at the brunettes with a small wave of a hand.

     "Hello! I'm Natalie Rushman, which you probably know. I just wanted  to let you know that me and my boyfriend are just, having a small party, just a get together. So, you're all welcome to join us later to tonight," Her lips tightened into a grin. Her eyes looked around in curiosity at the cushions on the floor.

"Of course, we'd just be happy to join you guys," Chaselynn nodded in return. "Would— would you like something to drink? Yasmin, go back to unpacking."

Natalie shook her head as Yasmin closed her eyes. She muffled herself a groan and turned around quickly. Her mind wanders to the red headed female who seemed to be sizing up the house, to which Yasmin would do the same. She's always considered herself a tad weird to always find the exits to a building.

     The curly girl shuddered for a second and decided to finish unpacking her comic book box. Soon her room became fuller of pictures and books, yet never clothes. Her eyes wandered around, "well.. this is a start.."

MAGALI NOTES・ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒
I'm keeping the Magali name for now. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter for what it's worth.

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