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━━━ ❛ freak the freak out

SOTT ████ BOOK ONE━━━ ❛ freak the freak out ❜

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chapter no. 005!
December 7, 2017

MIDTOWN HIGH SCHOOL OF SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY WAS FULL OF MANY STUDENTS. Most of the time they would be extremely busy with their homework or other tasks they challenged themselves with, but others didn't. In this case it was Eugene Thompson, more formaly known as Flash. Flash was, what Michelle Jones-Watson claimed, an imbecile with a low level of intelligence that doesn't bother to evolve. In Yasmin's version of that, a caveman refusing to evolve into a better version of mankind.

     In any case, Flash was an annoying creature from the depths of hell. Yasmin even made her own themed song for the man, not that anyone other than her close friends would hear it. Currently, the frat boy was loudly yelling across the hall of what Yasmin thinks, hellish thoughts to other students.

"I'm sorry, Parker. You wanna repeat that sentence you idiot!?" His harsh words screamed at the brunette boy. The pale man gulped and just stared at the shorter but stronger male.

     "You think I could fit twenty marshmallows into my mouth?" Yasmin wondered out loud. She turned her attention away from the bully and to her friends Michelle Jones-Watson and Alia Buckhorn. She  sighed tiredly and sat upside down, "Like, that chubby bunny trend.. dunno, it feels like I could do it."

     Michelle, ratherly known as MJ, snorted as she passed Alia a chip, "I bet you could too, but that doesn't mean you should. Now, are you going to help me with this assignment or not?"

     "Speaking of if I should or not, I may have.. done something," the mexican nibbled her bottom lip. Alia cocked an eyebrow at her in disbelief. "Remember how I said I hacked into a system...well, it may be a bit bigger than expected."

     "So what I'm gonna do know is freak the freak out," Alia sung in return. The two other females snorted in laughter, because, to be fair it was a very well made joke. If anything the metaphor was a little too real.

"Okay, I'm sick of it," Mj groaned. She crumbled a piece of ripped paper and threw it at the boys. Flash's head turned towards the trio with a glare, "give it up, Flash! Just because he isn't a dumb dumb like you doesn't mean you have to act like he is!"

"He got his panties in a wedgie," Yasmin snickered in a grin. Laughter from students around them made an echo in which Yasmin eased into. Flash dropped the defenseless boy who tripped into the crowd.

     "And what is the meaning of this, inconvenient huge crowd, miss Zavala?"  A sudden voice bursts through the audience. Heads turn to the voice of a random substitute teacher in place of Mr. Harrington for the next week till Winter Break.

     "A crowd that looks for drama, obviously," the brunette deadpanned. She wouldn't deny the fact that she also loves looking into drama, so she stated her stature, "And, I'm not gonna lie, it's looking pretty fun. So, if you'd excuse us, we need to get to the library."

     The words lingered the hallway as Yasmin shoved the old woman's stiff shoulder on her way out. The bell rang for class to begin just a few seconds later, causing Alia to giggle, "did you memorize bell times? That was hell of a lot cooler than I expected, by the way. Like, there's no stopping this girl from popping off and beating Flash down!"

     "Let's just go, Alia," Mj laughed softly and lead the shorter girl away to class.

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