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Non G!P version of Little Saint. (Stand Alone Alternate Version for those of you who wanted LESBIAN JENLISA)

Major Trigger Warning. Themes of abuse, self harm, addiction, only for MATURE audiences.

Welcome back Little Saints, if you've read the OG, I hope you see this as the same story that you love with a slightly different font (thank you mommy Chitthip for the expression, iykyk ;)). The story will more than likely deviate a lot more as the chapters go on.

If you haven't read the OG, I hope you stick around with this one and join our cult lol

(Also quick disclosure, this is by no means a comprehensive view of religion and spirituality and I don't want to insinuate that all religions or religious people discriminate in this way. There's good and bad seeds in every category of human, but part of the focal point of this story just happens to magnify those bad seeds that use the good books badly. Please be respectful of each other's opinions and Happy Pride lovely ladies and gays! God, Goddess, the Universe, the creative intelligence, whatever you believe in loves you! And if you don't believe, then I declare myself your higher power and I love you! Lol)
(Did not use a specific religion either because I don't want to paint other's beliefs in a bad light, buuuut I did grow up in a certain church. Its what I know the most about so that will unfortunately come out in my writing.)

Comments are always appreciated and welcome, they're my free serotonin :)

Everyone please thank @ArianaCabeYo8 once again for being the seed for the idea that was Little Saint


Your Fairy Gaymother


Jennie got shoved into a locker again and she was really fucking over it. She wanted nothing more than to punch them and politely tell them to kindly fuck off, but her father was the minister of the biggest church in town and if she ever got into any kind of trouble her family would disown her. Or worse. Probably worse. Definitely worse.

He was a strict and rigid man. Jennie was grounded for a whole month for getting a B on a math test once. If you could even call it grounding, because Jennie didn't really get to go anywhere except Rosie's house or school activities anyway. Jennie was a little ashamed over how afraid of him she was so despite wanting to do something about her bullies, she just put up with it. She'd rather be shoved into a locker and taunted rather than deal with the aftermath of her father finding out she had acted less than perfect. God forbid.

In another life Jennie might have been feistier. She definitely had it in her. She always had the perfectly curated insults in her head to shout at them but she forced herself to hold back, it was like second nature to her now. She couldn't be caught cursing or shouting or fighting back after all. What would people think? Her mother would always say. You have to act like a lady. You have our reputation to protect. You're not a heathen so act like it. Her father would add. Jennie had been slapped more than once for her smart mouth.

Jennie couldn't really fight back. She wasn't allowed to so she let herself be shoved again and this time she dropped her books because she didn't even bother to really dodge it, hoping her usual bully would get bored and leave her soon. She hated it when Jennie didn't react.

"Did you take a vow of silence, nun? I asked you a question." The cheerleader spat out at Jennie in disgust.

Jennie didn't answer. The girl was just baiting her. She sighed and started picking up the books she dropped when the head cheerleader shoved her. She couldn't understand why they hated her so much, especially the cheerleaders. So what, her parents were ridiculously religious. She kind of hated them for it too but it's not like Jennie was out here causing people an inconvenience just by existing. She didn't push her beliefs on other people like her parents did. Sometimes she questioned if she even believed or if she was just so indoctrinated into religion that she was just used to going through the motions.

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