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It had been a month since Lisa had offered to sleep with her and Jennie had already heard way too many stories of all the girls she had bedded since then.

It made Jennie's heart clench a little too painfully and she hated it. She didn't even ask for this stupid crush. This had to be God punishing her for constantly tuning out her father during church. Though she figured that if God did exist, he or she or whatever it was must have better things to do than to waste its valuable time dooming Jennie with a crush on the most emotionally unavailable girl in all of east asia just for spacing out in church.

Though maybe God was just petty, and that's why the world was so fucked up. God could just be too busy causing drama between the little people for its own entertainment so it could kill its boredom from being an immortal being instead of doing the real job of answering real prayers.

She vaguely wondered if maybe this was the reason why she was being punished in the first place, for questioning God like that, but she just couldn't help it sometimes. She had very little control over her own life so she had a habit of retreating into her head and questioning everything.

Jennie was glad they had to go on a school trip today, because she could distract herself from thoughts of Lisa. She was kind of a nerd so she was actually paying attention to the teacher as they moved around the museum and looked at all the pieces.

She was so focused on what he was saying that Jennie didn't even see Miki was walking next to her. Miki slyly tripped her and Jennie couldn't help but let out a high pitched squeak as she stumbled. Miki made it look like an accident, sending a little oops her way and shuffling off but Jennie knew better. 

She would have fallen flat on her face if it hadn't been for strong arms that belonged to the person who had been walking behind her catching her before she completely lost her balance.

"Thanks." Jennie said absentmindedly once she was finally steady. She immediately blushed when she looked up to see who it was that saved her because of course it was just her luck that her rescuer had been Lisa.

"Be careful little saint."

Jennie blushed again because now she was having to battle the unwanted mental images of how ridiculous she must have looked to Lisa almost face planting on the marble floors just now.

"You're kind of cute when you do that." Lisa murmured, poking Jennie's fluffy blushing cheek. The constant blushing around her was the reason Lisa had picked up on Jennie's crush after all, so it's not like she hadn't noticed it before, but never up this close to be able to note how adorable it was. 

Lisa giggled as she watched Jennie blink twice after she poked her, like she wasn't sure what had just happened.

She shook her head in amusement and left Jennie still looking a little dumbfounded as she went to go catch up to Ryujin and Seulgi.

Jennie was left a blushing mess. Her cheek felt tingly for a solid thirty minutes and Jennie really needed to get a grip because the only reason it stopped tingling was because Jennie caught Lisa flirting with a pretty older woman that worked at the museum out of the corner of her eye. She kind of wanted to cry when she saw Lisa hand her phone to her and got her number. Her eyes couldn't help but follow the movement right as Lisa looked up.

Lisa caught her staring.

Jennie quickly looked away, rushing to get lost in the middle of her group. Jennie tried to avoid Lisa as much as possible after that, even more than she usually did. Thankfully, they were in different grades so they didn't have to interact as much. They never really got grouped together thanks to their age gap. 

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