Lisa never took women back to her house. They usually just fucked in her car or she went to their place or they found some park to bang at.

No one knew about Lisa's living situation. If they did she'd be put in the foster care system and it would all be over, she would be taken away. Maybe even be shipped off back to Thailand.

Thankfully, since her mother was a native Thai, and not necessarily a legal citizen, no one really found out about how her death left a sixteen year old daughter behind to fend for herself. She didn't really understand it, but she was glad that's how it went down.

Her mother had spent her life's savings moving them here. She made sure Lisa's applications were legal. Lisa was allowed to come into the country with a student visa and by the time Lisa made it to high school she was fully legal. Her mother wasn't though, they hadn't had the money for it. They only had enough to sneak her into the country and nothing else.

Once they got settled and Chitthip found a job at a Thai restaurant with Bambam's family, she used her working wages on Lisa and on paying off the house and at some point Lisa's mom decided it was better she stay under the radar and not apply to be here legally.

It had worked so far anyway, and she feared the consequences in case she was denied entry. She decided it was better to struggle like this than risk deportation and Lisa's citizenship getting revoked if the South Korean government decided to punish them both for Chitthip sneaking into the country like that.

They had different last names so when the terrible day came that Lisa had to bury her mother, no one but Bambam's family knew she was technically an orphan now.

Lisa preferred it that way. She could take care of herself. Lisa had found a job to cover the electricity bill and groceries for herself. No one knew Lisa was paying her dead mother's bills in her name. She didn't want to live in a foster home. She didn't want to leave her mother's house. She made it work, just like her mom had.

She never took people to her house for fear they would find out about it, not even Seulgi and Ryujin knew where she lived, or that she was alone. She was really good at hiding her private life yet Lisa didn't even stop to think twice about bringing Jennie over. Jennie was too kind and warm to fear anyway. Even if Jennie did find out, she knew Jennie wouldn't say anything. She was too sweet like that.

More importantly though, Lisa thought Jennie deserved way more than a quick fuck in a car or some public place for her first time. Lisa could have afforded a room for them. She would have paid for one, but Lisa didn't want Jennie to feel cheap or anything. There weren't any nice hotels on their side of town anyway so she figured bringing her home was a better idea.

Lisa thought maybe that would be special enough for her, because Lisa trusted her enough to allow her in her sacred space like Jennie was trusting Lisa with her first time. Jennie was about to become the first person to step into her house since her mother had died. She hadn't even allowed Bambam to come visit her since then. She always went to his.

Jennie wouldn't know it, but Lisa thought it still counted for something. Maybe Jennie would come to understand it on her own  without Lisa having to tell her she never brought anyone home, that Jennie was special. Jennie knew enough of her reputation to guess that she didn't do that with other girls, so she hoped she would understand that she was deserving of that privilege, even without the whole sex thing.

Lisa felt a little nervous once she got to the front door, she panicked for a second, wondering if the house was a mess. Her kitchen was pristine, considering she never really used it. But she had spent the last few nights playing games online with Bambam and she thought she may have left her pizza box and empty energy drinks in the living room. She didn't want Jennie to think she was a slob. Sure she was a little messy but she wasn't dirty.

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