Lisa was drenched in sweat. She had finished her athletics class a few hours before but she kept pushing herself and now she desperately needed water.

She'd been pushing herself really hard all week because she couldn't get Jennie out of her mind and she kept getting lady blue balls out of nowhere.

Today was no different. Despite running as hard as she could she kept thinking about Jennie and Lisa started thinking she should really just stop wearing underwear or something because going commando seemed a lot less uncomfortable than soaked underwear.

Lisa finally laid down on the track.


It was getting darker, soon she wouldn't even be able to see the track anymore and she didn't want to bother with the stadium lights. Lisa sighed and went to the locker room, no one would be there now, it was so late.

She didn't even wait until she got into the shower. She put her hand inside the sweats she was wearing, leaning against the lockers as she started touching herself, thinking of Jennie again.

Lisa had never been shy about masturbation, everyone did it, no matter how much they denied it and claimed they'd never done it. It was pretty much a given that everyone did it at least once or twice, and Lisa just knew that if they did it right then it went way beyond that. So people masturbated, it was a fact.

Lisa would never lie or be shy about doing it or about how much she did it when she didn't want to mess with finding a girl, but this was getting a little embarrassing. She felt like she was broken. She was worse than a horny teenage boy who discovered orgasms for the first time but couldn't get a girl to fuck him so it was him and palmela all the way. Lisa was starting to feel like her hand was about to become her first girlfriend at this rate.

What was worse than needing it all the time, is that she couldn't get off anymore. As much as she tried, she'd get as close to the edge as she could, thinking she'd finally get relief and make herself come but the wave would recede as soon as it came and she'd be left more sexually frustrated than before.

She spent an hour trying and she just couldn't and somewhere in the back of her mind the nagging thought that kept haunting her was that the reason why she couldn't come was because she needed Jennie's hands on her, not her own, and her body was being a brat about it.

"Fuck. You're being fucking ridiculous." Lisa scolded herself, slamming her hand on a locker in frustration.

She finally gave up and took another uncomfortably cold shower, which as per usual didn't help and only made her grumpier because fuck cold showers and fuck torturing herself with them for nothing because now she was cold, grumpy, and horny. Lisa practically stormed out of the locker room, she had half a mind to run home instead of taking her car. Though clearly the entire day had shown her that wouldn't be of any use either and then she'd just end up cold, grumpy, sweaty, still horny and in need of another fucking shower. This was dumb.

Lisa completely forgot that student council met today. She didn't even know how she knew that considering she didn't do after school stuff besides dance. But she was so preoccupied with her frustrations that she wasn't even looking where she was going and she ran straight into Jennie as soon as she rounded the corner.

Lisa was too fucking horny and frustrated so she wasn't thinking as clearly, she normally wouldn't do this and expose how desperate she was. Honestly, she wouldn't need to do this in the first place considering she could usually get whoever she wanted. She never bothered with asking twice if a girl wasn't feeling her. She'd just go on to the next one. But Lisa couldn't go on to the next one, not yet.

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