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Lisa kept having sex dreams. Always about Jennie. She was perpetually horny, so much she finally truly got the meaning of what she had now termed as lady blue balls.

She had to give a little slack to the boys from now on. Bambam wasn't exaggerating after all, that shit really did hurt. It was uncomfortable and it made her anxious and it was way too much stress and by Saturday night she literally couldn't take it anymore. 

She couldn't even get off. She hadn't seen Jennie in days because she was away on that stupid retreat and Lisa couldn't even picture her anymore while she masturbated.

So Lisa caved and texted Jennie, despite being annoyed that Jennie literally didn't even bother to say hello and maybe take a quick second to mention she was going to be gone all fucking weekend because she was too busy making googly eyes at the labradoodle.

Lisa typed out a text and erased it immediately. She figured a message with the words send nudes and a winky face was a little too forward and crass to send to Jennie. Even if Lisa was a little annoyed with her for acting like she didn't exist that she almost didn't regulate her fuckgirl tendencies like she usually tried to with Jennie. She thought better of it in the end though, because she knew she'd end up losing out more than get Jennie back for that anyway.

Lisa sighed, why was Jennie so difficult. She finally decided to keep it simple, hopefully it was enough to get Jennie to respond.

Hey, how's your church trip?

Lisa waited impatiently. She had her music on full blast but even that and trying to work on her newest routine wasn't distracting her enough to not glance at her phone every minute. It was well in the evening already so she hoped Jennie was done with whatever the hell people did on church retreats by now. She waited an excruciating five minutes before she finally got a reply.

How did you even know?

Lisa smirked when she read it, getting Jennie to respond was half the battle. At least she was in. She could work with that. 

I know everything.


Jennie rolled her eyes when she read the text, laying on her stomach on the bed. The youth part of the boring retreat was done for the day so she was alone in their double room suite. Her parents were still out. 

She had been silently staring into space, thinking of the very girl that had just texted her. Of course her heart had jumped as soon as she had seen the number. She panicked for half of the five minutes it took her to reply, wondering how the hell Lisa even knew where she was. 

She spent the other half trying to figure out when an appropriate time to text her back was. She lasted a whole two minutes before she couldn't stand it anymore and she replied.

The next time she got a response from Lisa, she only lasted a minute before the impatience kicked in and she stopped worrying about responding too fast. 

Did you need something? 

She really didn't know what else to say. It's not like she texted people often, just her friends. Those texts generally consisted of them filling Jennie in on what they were up to when she wasn't allowed to go hangout. 

Even those were rare because they mostly only happened when she was forced to be around her parents, otherwise they video called her so they could all talk and pretend she was there too. 

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