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Drop ya comments I'm bored 😌


Lisa tried to facetime Jennie on Sunday before work. Jennie was a model daughter, so she figured she was a morning person and that she'd definitely be up early but Lisa was disappointed because Jennie didn't pick up.

And with that ignored call went her plans of a morning video quickie. She tried not to be too disappointed as she got dressed in some sweats and went to work. She'd have a break between the dance classes she taught anyway so she could try again. She was optimistic. Except that Jennie still didn't pick up. Lisa chalked it up to her being at her retreat still and figured she'd try again after work.

Jennie still didn't answer and Lisa got too impatient. She was sure that at least one of the times she had called Jennie must have been free, which meant Lisa was being ignored.

And being ignored by the little saint meant one of two things, there was either a perfectly valid reason for it because Jennie would never be rude like that on purpose, or Lisa did something wrong. The second one was more likely to happen. Lisa wasn't delusional enough to not know she did stupid shit all the time. So naturally she started getting antsy about what she might have done from yesterday to now to freak Jennie out so much so Lisa decided to just text her and ask.

Why are you ignoring me little saint?

Jennie didn't reply for a whole hour and by then Lisa had accidentally fed Leo twice out of impatient waiting. In her defense, Leo was very persuasive, and Jennie was really annoying when she didn't answer at an adequate time frame so it wasn't really her fault she was staring at her phone willing for it to buzz when Leo kept whining and circling her feet and begging for treats.

How was she supposed to remember she had already fed him when he literally scarfed everything down within a minute and his bowl was so pristine that Lisa assumed she had just absently grabbed the bag of cat food earlier and left it on her desk without giving him any. It wouldn't be the first time Lisa had done that.

When she finally realized she'd been tricked by him, she didn't even have time to scold Leo for manipulating her because her phone finally buzzed and she jumped for it immediately, relieved that it was a text from Jennie.

I can't answer right now Lisa.

Why? Are you doing some holy thing right now and you're not allowed to talk to heathens?

I'm in the car with my parents.

Are you coming back already?


When will you be here?

I think like an hour?

Ask your dad when exactly


Just ask little saint

He said an hour and a half

Lisa got a little too excited as she read Jennie's messages, knowing that she was coming home finally, but that excitement was short lived when she realized it was still Sunday so she wouldn't get to see Jennie until tomorrow since it wasn't a school night. Sometimes Lisa forgot what day it was since she skipped school so often, but any thoughts of catching Jennie at some after school activity and stealing her away faded quickly when she realized it was Sunday.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10 ⏰

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