Still I pictured having you for fifty, sixty more years. I thought I might be ready then to let you go. But it's you, and I realize now that I won't be anymore ready to lose you then than I am right now. Which is not at all.
The Mortal Instruments-Facts Quotes Quizzes Jokes and more! (Book 1) [completed]➰
RandomDiscover amazing facts about mortal instruments that you did not know, some awesome quotes, hilarious jokes, some tricky questions, short stories and much more! Source:Internet (I do not own anything.) Dare you steal anything.. All rights resevered ...
Still I pictured having you for fifty, sixty more years. I thought I might be ready then to let you go. But it's you, and I realize now that I won't be anymore ready to lose you then than I am right now. Which is not at all.