Biography-Jace wayland

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Jace was born to Stephen and Céline Herondale. While he was still in Céline's womb, Valentine Morgenstern constantly gave Céline doses of Ithuriel's blood to mix with her food, and she took it, not knowing what it really was. Ithuriel's blood made its way into unborn baby Jace's system, thus he was born differently from other Shadowhunters.

Eventually, Valentine had his parents killed.[1] Desperate for the baby he had been giving angel blood to, Valentine had Hodge Starkweather help him take the child from Céline's dead body shortly after-it is said that the only reason that Jace survived was because of the increased amount of angel blood in his body. After faking his and his real son's death, Valentine took off with both Jonathan and Jace and raised them separately, hoping that one or both of them would grow to become very powerful warriors-one with angel blood and the other with demon. While Valentine took the identity of Michael Wayland, Jace was raised as Jonathan Wayland, both of whom were in fact the father-and-son Valentine killed to fake their deaths.

Jace, believing his father was Michael Wayland, and himself to be Jonathan, was raised by Valentine both lovingly and harshly. He was raised and trained like a warrior, brought up strictly and with the occasional beating. Valentine instilled thoughts such as "to love is to destroy" into his mind. Once, Valentine gave Jace a falcon to train, intending it to be a killing companion, not a pet. After taming it, Jace showed it to his father who broke its neck, saying that he was supposed to train it to become obedient, not to love him. Nonetheless, Valentine treated Jace with some level of kindness, and despite the extremely disciplined upbringing, Valentine and Jace did share a few moments that a caring father-son relationship should have.

When he was ten, Valentine realized that Jace was too soft for his plans and he needed to move on and get rid of Jace. To accomplish this, he yet again staged his death as Michael Wayland, with a hiding Jace there to witness his father "killed" right in front of him, convincing Jace and everyone else of "Michael's" death. Jace was later sent to the New York Institute to live with the Lightwoods, where Valentine knew Jace would be well cared for, as well as in a good position for possible reconnaissance at a later time. There, Jace was adopted by the Lightwoods. He became good friends with Alec, who later became his parabatai, Izzy, and Max Lightwood.

There, he got his nickname Jace from Maryse, after he told them that he thought his full name was Jonathan Christopher, which he had seen in Valentine's journal.

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