Which downworlder are you?(answers)

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If you mostly chose As-
You are a Werewolf
You are most like a werewolf- you are fast and strong, brave and loyal. You are sometimes a bit impulsive, but only when protecting the people you love. If provoked, you will not back down from a fight; you are proud and work best as a group.

If you have mostly chosen Bs-
You are a vampire- calm, and quiet. You know how to keep your emotions in check. If threatened, you can take care of your opponents quickly and without making a scene. Like the werewolf, you also work well in a group. There is strength in numbers, remember that, but sometimes working solo is unavoidable. This solitude comes as naturally to you as group work does. Use it to your advantage.

If you have mostly chosen Cs-
You are a warlock. Though you may seem young, you are beyond age. You are very mature, but this doesn't mean you are serious all the time. After all, what's life without a bit of fun in it? While others foolishly believe that they can get away with anything, you are wise enough to realize that everything comes with a price, and can use this to your advantage. You are wise beyond measure. Use your wisdom now- discover who your enemies are, your allies, potential threats- and some time down the road you will reap rewards.

If you have chosen mostly Ds-
You are one of the Fair Folk. Like the vampires, you know how to keep your emotions in check. People rarely ever know what you are really feeling. They see what you allow them to see. Cool and crafty, you are honest, but you also know how to bend the truth. If people don't ask you exactly the right questions, you can get out of practically anything.

A/N-I found this from the net.Comments which downworlder did you get.

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