A/N-More details about clary and jace cause..idk
Clarissa "Clary" Fray/Morgenstern is the daughter of Jocelyn Fray and Valentine Morgenstern. She is short, just over five feet, has curly red hair and green eyes. She plays a key role in locating and obtaining the Mortal Cup. She is known for her ability to create new and/or stronger runes because of the more-than-normal angel blood in her.
Clary first discovers the Shadowhunters' world when she winesses the killing of a demon in a club called Pandemonium, and then again when her mother is taken and she is attacked by a demon. When Jace takes her to the Institute, she learns that her mother was a Shadowhunter, and that Jocelyn was kidnapped by Valentine. Later, she confronts Valentine and learns that she is his daughter, and he tells her that Jace Wayland is her brother. This claim is thrown into question, and it is later revealed that Valentine only used this information to manipulate them both, and that her brother is actually a boy that appears later in the series who she believed to be Sebastian Verlac.
Early Life
While Jocelyn was pregnant with Clary, Valentine, to whom the pregnancy was unknown, dosed Jocelyn with angel blood to treat her depression. Jocelyn was unaware of this, and it actually affected Clary as well. It is due to the additional angel blood in her that Clary can invent new runes, and her use of runes is exceedingly powerful. Her extra angel blood is something she has in common with Jace.
Jocelyn did not want Clary to grow up as a Shadowhunter and with Valentine as a father so she ran away from Idris and moved to New York, keeping the world of the Nephilim from her daughter. She took Clary to see the warlock, Magnus Bane, and he blocked out her ability to see through glamour and erased any memories she would have about the magical world.
Clary grew up in Park Slope, Brooklyn with her mother, and Luke Garroway, her mother's best friend, acting as a father figure. Her best, and only friend, is Simon Lewis. Jocelyn told Clary her "father", Jonathan Clark, died before she ever got to know him, and never mentioned that Clary had had a brother.
When Clary first meets Sebastian Verlac, she gets a feeling of familiarity. She does not realize at first that this is because he is her real brother, Jonathan Christopher. Despite Sebastian's knowledge of this fact, he tries to force a relationship with Clary to convince her that she has feelings for him. In the end, after Clary learns his true identity, Sebastian is killed along with Valentine, and the war is supposedly over...
Clary is known to be very stubborn. Jace both loves this quality, and finds it irritating. Before she meets Jace she has only three people she truly loves, Simon, Luke, and her mother. Clary is sometimes wistful of being other girls who are beautiful, because she does not believe she is beautiful herself, only "pretty" and "cute". Clary thinks this is because of her height and small chest. This is why she has very few female friends. In fact, other then Simon, Clary doesn't really have any real friends at all.
When she meets Jace she is immediately taken with him, struck by his beauty and charm. At first they have a complicated relationship, both lying to themselves about how they feel about each other, but as he opens up to her, she sees past his hard shell of sarcasm and bitterness to the person underneath. However, she soon is led to believe she is his sister. At first Clary tries very unsuccessfully to avoid Jace and ignore her feelings for him. Jace on the other hand wants to act on his feelings and be with Clary despite their family ties. By the end of City of Ashes Clary decides to act on her feelings. Just when she is about to tell Jace how she feels he promises to just be her brother from now on because to act on their romance would be selfish to their loved ones. Jace only actually wants to do this because he truly believes it is the only thing that would make her happy. Eventually the two learn that they are not related. At the end of the City of Glass, Clary and Jace are dating.
Their relationship basically goes up and down from there. Jace dies, is brought back to life by an angel who he had been killed to summon, becomes possessed by the mother of all demons, is demonically tied to Jonathan, Clary's brother, and then stabbed through the heart with a heavenly sword.

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