Chapter 1

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Namjoon could feel the sweat trickling down his body, each drop a reminder of his gruelling routine. His muscles screamed for relief, but he pushed through, determination etched into his every movement. Just a few more minutes. He counted down each push-up with methodical precision until he finally hit 100. The exertion was his solace, a temporary escape from the thoughts that plagued him.

He headed to the showers adjoining the gym, letting the ice-cold water flow over his body. Today was a special day. He was about to join a new team. Namjoon knew better than to be overly hopeful, but a small part of him couldn't help but wish this team would be better than his old one. Thinking about his previous team always made him upset.

When he had joined Phantom Legion, he didn't know what to expect. He remembered the young, naïve, and weak boy he had been. Bullied all his life-for being gay, for being an orphan, for being weak, for simply existing. He used to dream of showing his bullies their place, but he never could. He was never brave. Until that one fateful day when an 18-year-old Namjoon, returning from his day job, came across a man twice his size assaulting a child of about 10. He didn't know where he found the courage to push the man off and slam him into the wall. Only when he saw the man lying at his feet, blood pouring from his head, did he realize what he had done. He ran all the way back to his tiny apartment, fearing he had just killed someone.

Two days later, he woke up to find an agent from Phantom Legion standing by his bedside. They gave him a choice: join them or get arrested. Not much of a choice, really. He followed the agent into a brand-new life. He later learned that he hadn't killed the man, just severely injured him.

After a year of rigorous training, Namjoon was finally assigned to a team-a mix of three women and three men, besides himself. Having been alone all his life, he hoped this would be his chance to forge meaningful relationships and find camaraderie. But his dreams were shattered on the very first day. His teammates made it clear that they weren't interested in building friendships; it was strictly a business relationship.

However, the way they treated him went beyond the bounds of professionalism. The isolation and disdain were palpable, and it cut deeper than he had expected. He forced himself to stop thinking about the past as he turned off the shower, the cold water having done little to wash away his memories.

Back in his room, he got dressed, glancing at the clock. He was supposed to meet his new team at the chief's office by 10 a.m., and it was only 9. He headed to the cafeteria for breakfast, his stomach churning with a mix of anticipation and dread. As usual, he took his breakfast to go, avoiding the cafeteria seating area since that day with his old team.

His small room, a privilege he earned after parting ways with his previous team, had become his sanctuary. It was a place where he could eat in peace, away from prying eyes and judgmental stares. As he sat down to eat, he couldn't help but hope that this new team would be different.


Hey guys!!!!

The 1st chapter is up! I am pretty much talking to myself at this point. But I hope to meet you guys here soon! I will upload a few intro chapters for now. And I will wait for you all 🥹

Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

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