Kim Namjoon Fact Sheet

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( I definitely did *not* take 15 minutes to choose this photo 🙃)

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( I definitely did *not* take 15 minutes to choose this photo 🙃)

Name: Kim Namjoon

Codename: RM

Role: Operative


Age: 26

Nationality: South Korean

Education: High school graduate; informal education in survival and combat tactics through Phantom Legion training.

Previous Occupation: Various part-time jobs before joining Phantom Legion.

Recruitment: Joined Phantom Legion at 18 after intervening in an assault incident. His bravery and raw potential were recognized by a Phantom Legion scout, offering him a choice between joining or facing legal consequences.

Physical Attributes:

Height: 183 cm (6'0")

Weight: 78 kg (172 lbs)

Build: Muscular and athletic

Distinctive Features: Sharp jawline, intense gaze, multiple scars from training and missions


Combat Proficiency: Highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and proficient with various firearms.

Physical Fitness: Exceptional endurance and strength; regularly engages in intense physical training.

Tactical Intelligence: Quick thinker, capable of making strategic decisions under pressure.

Survival Skills: Trained in wilderness survival, evasion, and guerrilla tactics.


Traits: Determined, introspective, resilient, compassionate despite a tough exterior.

Strengths: Leadership potential, strong moral compass, adaptive and resourceful.

Weaknesses: Struggles with past trauma, can be overly self-reliant, sometimes hesitates to ask for help.


Duration: Completed one year of intensive training upon joining Phantom Legion.

Areas of Expertise: Close-quarters combat, marksmanship, infiltration, reconnaissance.

Notable Missions:

Operation Silent Dawn: Infiltrated and dismantled a rebel communication hub.

Operation Rescue Strike: Played a key role in rescuing hostages from a heavily guarded facility.

Performance: Consistently demonstrates exceptional skill and dedication, though occasionally struggles with teamwork due to his solitary nature.

Current Assignment:

Team: Recently assigned to a new team led by Seokjin.

Objective: Integrate into the team and contribute to upcoming missions while overcoming personal and interpersonal challenges.


Hey guys!!

So details about Joonie is up. I took a real long time in choosing a photo because damn this man looks hot in all of them how do I select just one 😭

Anyways, have fun reading !

Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

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