Chapter 3

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Namjoon stood outside the chief's office, anxiety gnawing at him. It was only 9:45 AM. He contemplated asking Chief Bang to reassign him. The thought of enduring trauma and hurt again was almost unbearable. Just as he was deciding whether to hide in his room, he heard a voice behind him."Agent RM, you're here early."Namjoon turned to see Chief Bang approaching. Instinctively, he saluted. The chief nodded and waved him inside. Namjoon closed the door behind him and stared at the ground."How have you been, Namjoon-ah?" Chief Bang's tone softened, almost paternal. He was the one who had recruited Namjoon into Phantom Legion eight years ago, watching him grow from a fragile teen into the young man he was now. Despite Namjoon's tough exterior, Bang knew he was still hurting inside."I've been doing okay, Chief. There haven't been any missions lately. I've just been working out and reading."Chief Bang nodded. He knew Namjoon would never admit how he truly felt. He wanted Namjoon to be happy, which is why he had chosen Team Bangtan for him. Bangtan was the most unproblematic and closely-knit team in the history of Phantom Legion, the complete opposite of Namjoon's previous team. He hoped this new team would help Namjoon heal.A knock on the door made Namjoon stiffen. He heard several footsteps entering the room but couldn't bring himself to look up. Chief Bang's voice broke the silence."Agent Jin, this is Agent RM. He will be your new team member. I hope you will maintain the reputation of your team with him included.""Of course, sir," came a strong voice from beside Namjoon.Chief Bang continued, "Why don't you guys introduce yourselves? Agent RM, you can go first."Namjoon finally managed to look up. He glanced at Chief Bang, who smiled encouragingly, then turned to his new team. Six men around his age stood before him. He smiled and said, "Hello, I am Kim Namjoon. I am 26 years old, and my codename is RM."His heart sank when only Seokjin, the team leader, smiled back. The rest simply nodded and introduced themselves, their expressions neutral. Although Seokjin's smile calmed Namjoon a little, the others still made him uneasy. He already feared the worst.Chief Bang spoke again, "As you know, according to Phantom Legion rules, a team needs to dorm together. RM will move into Bangtan's shared dorm tonight. If there are no questions, you may leave."They all saluted the chief in unison and left the room. The six men quickly headed for the elevator while Namjoon walked slowly behind, lost in thought. By the time he reached the elevator, the others had already left him behind. This deepened his unease. He knew they were still strangers and he shouldn't expect much, but he couldn't help but wonder if the past was repeating itself. The thought scared him to the core.


Hey guys!!!!

How have you all been?

Chapter 3 is up! I hope you comment while you read. It would encourage me a lot!

Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

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