Phantom Legion Fact Sheet

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Motto: "In Shadows, We Prevail"

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"In Shadows, We Prevail"

Type: Elite Commando Unit

Founding: Classified

Headquarters: Classified

Primary Operations:

Government missions worldwide

Private missions for high-profile clients


Rescue operations

Covert intelligence gathering

High-risk extractions


Covert operations


Direct action


Hostage rescue



Intense physical conditioning

Advanced combat techniques

Survival skills

Psychological resilience

Multilingual capabilities

Specialized weapon training

Tactical driving and piloting

Cyber warfare

Command Structure:

Commander-in-Chief: Oversees all operations, highly classified identity.

Deputy Commander/Chief: Handles day-to-day operations and ensures communication between the Commander-in-Chief and Team Leaders.

Team Leaders (Captains): Lead individual teams on missions.

Operatives: Highly trained soldiers, each with specialized skills.

Support Staff: Medical, technical, and intelligence support.


Team Composition: Usually consists of 7-10 operatives, each with unique skills.

Roles within Teams:

Team Leader (Captain)


Combat Medic

Weapons Specialist

Intelligence Officer

Technical Specialist

Communications Expert

Base Camps:

Phantom Legion maintains multiple base camps strategically located around the world. Each base camp is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including training grounds, medical units, and intelligence centers. A team, led by a Team Leader, is usually in charge of each base camp, ensuring readiness and coordination for missions.

Mission Types:

Solo Missions: Conducted by individual operatives for tasks requiring stealth or specific expertise.

Team Missions: Typically involve a group of operatives, providing better support and versatility for complex operations


Hey guys! I have uploaded the first chapter! Well it's not really a chapter as such but yeah. I will start the story soon!

Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

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