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Rain poured incessantly. Namjoon knew he had to leave; it was too dangerous to stay here any longer. His entire body ached, and he lacked the strength to pull himself up from the ground. The rain soaked him to the bone, making his vision blurry. In the distance, he heard shouts. They were coming. If they found him, he would be killed without a doubt.

How did he even end up like this? Right. He had thought he could trust his teammates. But they had left him for dead. They had come here for a team mission, a simple retrieval of a flash drive containing sensitive information. But everything had gone south too quickly. There were more guards on-site than their estimates, and they had called for backup. Almost all of his teammates had gotten injured. They decided to evacuate when more guards started pouring in. Namjoon decided to hold back some guards while his team members ran to the car. But when he managed to reach the rendezvous point, he realized they had already left. His whole body was bruised and beaten. He had managed to drag himself behind a dumpster at the back of the factory, but he couldn't bring himself to move anymore.

He heard footsteps approaching. He knew he didn't have the energy to fight off anyone. So he chose to accept his fate. The footsteps drew nearer, too near. He closed his eyes when he felt a cold metal touch the back of his head. Bang!

Namjoon jolted awake. He couldn't catch his breath. His heart was beating too fast, and his entire body was soaked with sweat. His eyes stung from tears. He sat there in the dark room, trying to control himself. After what felt like hours, he managed to calm down. He looked at his watch to see it was 4 a.m. He didn't remember falling asleep though. Oh right! He was waiting for Taehyung. He must have fallen asleep while waiting. That's how his nights usually went—either his thoughts would keep him awake or his sleep would be plagued with nightmares. Or more like his past.

Namjoon decided to get out of bed and go to the gym. As he went about his workout routine, his thoughts eventually evaporated. He pushed himself to his limit again, and after two hours of rigorous exercise, he lay on the gym floor panting. He eventually decided to get up. Other agents would start coming in now. He quickly took a shower in the stalls next to the gym and walked back to his dorm. When he reached, he realized his fingerprints hadn't been added to the lock. He sighed and knocked on the door. He didn't even know if anyone was awake, and he hated disturbing anyone. Hoseok, if he remembered correctly, opened the door. He looked surprised.

"Oh, it's you. We didn't add your print, right?" Hoseok said.

Namjoon smiled sheepishly. "Yeah," he muttered lowly.

"Come on. Just do it now." Hoseok ushered him inside. He found Jimin in the tiny kitchen. The smell of coffee filled the space.

As Hoseok added his fingerprints, Namjoon wondered if he should initiate a conversation, but he couldn't find anything to say. So he just kept quiet. As he walked back to his room, he heard Jimin and Hoseok laughing about something. He couldn't make out what they were talking about. Were they laughing at him? The thought made him feel sick. He shut his door and sat on his bed. It was only 6 in the morning, and he already felt like shit.

Namjoon lay back on his bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to steady his breath. He knew he was being irrational, but his past experiences had conditioned him to expect the worst. He tried to push the negative thoughts away, reminding himself that he needed to give his new team a chance. They hadn't done anything to him, not yet. He had to try to be hopeful, to trust again.With a deep sigh, he forced himself up and started unpacking his remaining things. The familiar routine of organizing his belongings calmed him slightly. He placed his few personal items on the bare side of the room, trying to make it feel a bit more like home. His thoughts drifted to the mission that had scarred him so deeply. The betrayal, the pain, the fear—it was all still so fresh in his mind.

By the time he was done, the sun had started to rise, casting a faint light through the window. He decided to step out and grab some coffee, hoping the caffeine might help clear his head. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw Jimin and Hoseok sitting at the table, chatting quietly.

"Morning again," Namjoon greeted them, trying to sound more cheerful than he felt.

"Morning," Hoseok replied, giving him a small smile. Jimin just nodded, his eyes curious but not unkind.

Namjoon poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table, feeling the awkwardness settle around him like a thick fog. He sipped his coffee in silence, listening to the sounds of the dorm waking up. The clatter of dishes, the hum of conversation—it all felt so normal, so different from the chaos in his mind.

Maybe, just maybe, things could get better.


Hey guys!!! A peek into Namjoon's past life. 

Is anyone even reading this? :(

Shine! Dream! Smile!

Shine! Dream! Smile!

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