Chapter 4

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It didn't take Namjoon long to pack his belongings. He had already packed most of his things, knowing about the rule of staying together, and he didn't have much to begin with. For the past few hours, he had been sitting in his room, lost in thoughts that spiraled endlessly. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was 7:30 in the evening. Deciding it was better to get it over with, he grabbed his bags and headed towards the dorm. The more he waited, the more his thoughts would torture him. It was time to face his new reality.

But all his confidence vanished as he stood outside the door to their shared dorm. He lingered for a long time, trying to gather the courage to knock. When he finally did, nobody answered for a while. He wondered if the rest had gone out and was about to leave when the door swung open. The leader stood there, smiling awkwardly. Namjoon mirrored his expression. Despite the awkwardness, Jin looked really handsome. Namjoon wasn't sure if he should salute Seokjin, as he was his senior after all. Before he could decide, Jin spoke up.

"Come on, I'll show you to your room."

Namjoon nodded and followed Jin inside. The living-cum-dining room was surrounded by rooms on all sides. As they stepped in, Namjoon saw the others sitting around a small table, seemingly having dinner. They were expressionless once again, and Namjoon assumed it was because they didn't want him there. Dropping his gaze to the ground, he continued to follow Jin.

Jin led him to the corner-most room and opened the door. "You will share this room with Tae. You remember him, right?" Jin asked.

Namjoon nodded, still staring at the floor. He heard Jin sigh softly. "Well, I'll leave you to get settled then," Jin said, his tone gentle.

Namjoon nodded once again and bowed to Jin. Jin, who had started walking out of the room, paused briefly at the bow but then continued and left, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Left alone, Namjoon lifted his head to survey the room. It was almost symmetrically divided down the middle, each side furnished with a bed, table, and other essentials. However, one side was cluttered with belongings, presumably Taehyung's, scattered haphazardly, while the other side remained bare. Namjoon settled on the empty bed, casting a glance at the cluttered side.

Outside the room, he could hear the muffled voices of the others. Despite their presence, Namjoon felt a pang of loneliness. It stung when Jin left him alone. He knew he was still a stranger, and he couldn't expect them to just invite him to have dinner with them, but it stung nonetheless. He wiped away a stray tear that had rolled down his cheek and started unpacking his belongings, trying to push away the feelings of isolation.

He then lay in his bed, waiting for Taehyung to return. Contemplating whether to strike up a conversation with him to break the ice, Namjoon acknowledged it wasn't his forte, but he could try. However, when the door jiggled and Taehyung, accompanied by Jungkook, entered unexpectedly, Namjoon's confidence faltered. Deciding to wait until he was alone with Taehyung to talk, Namjoon observed as Taehyung rummaged around his bed before leaving the room with Jungkook. Alone again, Namjoon waited for Taehyung's return, but after an hour, it became evident Taehyung wouldn't be sleeping in the room that night. Was it because of him? The thought gnawed at Namjoon, triggering memories of his past life and a familiar feeling of panic. Struggling to hold himself together, he tried to drift into sleep, but it eluded him, bringing forth nightmares. As he lay awake, he could only hope that tomorrow would be a better day.


Hey guys!!!

Another chapter is up!! I am planning to upload new chapters on  Sundays... Well I don't think anyone is reading this yet... So I am pretty much talking to myself... But for whenever you read....
Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

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