Chapter 2

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Jin woke up to the sound of pans clattering and loud chattering. He looked at his phone: 7 a.m. He had only managed to get to sleep at 3 a.m. Being a captain of a Phantom Legion team was tough-endless responsibilities and barely any perks. But as he walked into their shared kitchen, he realized it was all worth it.

The youngest members of his team, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin, were attempting to make breakfast, their efforts resulting in more fighting than actual cooking. Yoongi had resigned to his fate and opted for cereal, while Hoseok was filming the chaos, clearly entertained. As soon as Jin entered, he was bombarded with complaints from all sides. The noise gave him a headache, but he didn't mind. He made them all sit down while he finished the incomplete breakfast, and soon they were all settled down to eat.

When Jin joined Phantom Legion, he didn't know what to expect. None of them did. They were all young, naive boys unaware of the world's harsh realities. But the world had broken them all, and Phantom Legion came as a rescue. Fate brought them into this team, which became their family. Jin had seen many teams in Phantom Legion break apart due to fights, disagreements, and negative feelings. But his team had never even considered breaking up. They had become the family most of them didn't have growing up.

Today was a special day, though. They were getting a new teammate, and honestly, none of them were ready for it. Their team was tightly knit, happy with each other, and they didn't need anyone else. They were afraid the new person could cause cracks in their relationships. But they didn't have a say in it, so they decided to focus on themselves and make the best of the situation.

"What time do we have to go?" Jimin asked once they were done eating. The question immediately soured the mood in the room.

Jin sighed. "We need to be at the chief's office at 10 a.m. to meet him."

"Do you know anything about him?" Hoseok asked.

"No, I only know he's a guy," Jin replied.

The rest sighed in unison. They knew they didn't have a choice, but they were really upset about it.


Hey Guys!!

Here's a brief introduction to Jinnie's team. I will be uploading details about all of them next. I hope you enjoy reading.
Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

Shine! Dream! Smile! 💜💜💜

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